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And may the promise of Advent be yours this day and always.

E. E. Hewitt

E. E. Hewitt
From Cyberhymnal
Short Name: E. E. Hewitt
Full Name: Hewitt, E. E. (Eliza Edmunds), 1851-1920
Birth Year: 1851
Death Year: 1920

Pseudonym: Li­die H. Ed­munds.

Eliza Edmunds Hewitt was born in Philadelphia 28 June 1851. She was educated in the public schools and after graduation from high school became a teacher. However, she developed a spinal malady which cut short her career and made her a shut-in for many years. During her convalescence, she studied English literature. She felt a need to be useful to her church and began writing poems for the primary department. she went on to teach Sunday school, take an active part in the Philadelphia Elementary Union and become Superintendent of the primary department of Calvin Presbyterian Church.

Dianne Shapiro, from "The Singers and Their Songs: sketches of living gospel hymn writers" by Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (Chicago: The Rodeheaver Company, 1916)

Texts by E. E. Hewitt (2053)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A better time is coming, Is now upon the wayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
A certain poor widow in Zion one dayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
A cloud of witnesses surround our wayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
A cup of cold water would gladden todayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
A fair white tulip raised its headEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
A glorious triumph is coming somedayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
A grateful hush,a peaceful calmE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
A little bird, with trembling wingsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
A little more prayer as the years roll byEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
A look into my BibleEliza E. Hewitt (Author)4
A loving voice is heardEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
A message of the breezes are bearingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
A present help my God will beE. E. Hewitt (Author)English6
A road there is, beginningE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
A sailor over the trackless deepE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
A Savior who is able to pardon all my sinsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
A sinner saved by JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
A song is in my heart today, It gladdens every hourE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
A sower went forth with precious seedE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
A story sweet and wondrous, like heavenly music swellsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English24
A trembling soul, I sought the LordE. E. Hewitt (Author)English9
A voice is heard in the dewy dawnEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
A wonderful refuge in Jesus I foundMiss E. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
A wonderful word in the Bible I seeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
A word from my Father I need, day by dayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Abiding in Jesus, what blessing is mineEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Abiding in the shadow of the everlasting wingsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Abundant salvation in Jesus I knowE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Abundantly satisfied, under his wingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Adrift on the waters, so dark and so coldEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English27
Afirmou o Senhor que virá outra vezEliza Edmunds Hewitt (Author)Portuguese2
After winter's sleepEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Alabanzas dad a CristoE. E. Hewitt (Author)Spanish2
All for Christ, be this our fervent prayerE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
All glory to my Savior, for He hath made me freeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
All glory to my Savior, He's on the ship with me!E. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
All glory to my Savior's nameE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
All hail to Christ, our risen LordEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
All in the silent nightEliza Edmunds Hewitt (Author)English4
All my sin to Thee, dear Lord, confessingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
All power is His, all power to saveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
All the earth shall worship TheeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
All the fears and misgivings that burdened my heartE. E. Hewitt (Author)English7
All the fields are growing whiterE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
All the future years are held within the Father's keepingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English5
All the way at Jesus feetE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
All the world is joyful in the sunny springE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
All who know the Savior's nameE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
All who wait for His appearing shall be joyful by and byE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
All ye who love the Savior's nameEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Along the sunny pasturesEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Altogether lovely is my Savior FriendEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Always helping somewhereE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Ambassadors for Jesus, we have a business hereEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Amid life's ever changeful scenesE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Amid the stress of flying hoursE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
அஞ்சாதே நான் உன்னோடு ஆசீர் ஒளியிதோ (Añcātē nāṉ uṉṉōṭu ācīr oḷiyitō)E. E. Hewitt (Author)Tamil2
Angels bright angels brightEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Angels in the heavenly heightEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Angels of the sunshineEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Another song for JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Another year has glided byE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Anything that Jesus wishes me to doEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Anywhere, if forward, in the King's highwayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Aquel en cuyo corazónE. E. Hewitt (Author)Spanish2
Are the promises of God for youEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Are we faithful branchesEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Are we the light reflectingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Are we walking, daily walking, as the children of the lightE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Are we witnessing for JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Are you counted in on the Master's sideEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Are you happy in the Lord? Do you know that Jesus saves?E. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Are you on the Savior's sideEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Are you washed in the blood that was shed for you and meE. E. Hewitt (Author)4
Are your eyes upon Jesus, the Mighty to saveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Arise, arise to battle, ye soldiers of the LordE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
As for me, I'll live for JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
As I walk life's crowded highwayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
As Jacob, when weary sought rest by the wayL. H. Edmunds (Alterer)English2
As many as touched him in days long agoEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
As the silvery chime tells the passing timeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
"As they went, they were cleansed," those poor lepers of oldE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Ask and receive; it is God's chosen wayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Ask the gracious MasterE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
At Calvary's cross, by faith I seeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
At the breaking of the day, the Lord of gloryE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
At the cross I've laid my burdenE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
At the cross, our sins confessingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
At the cross, where Jesus died, flows salvation's mighty tideEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Auf dem Baum bei dem ZaunE. E. Hewitt (Author)German1
Awake, awake, put on thy strength, O Zion, put on thy strengthE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Awake, O slumbering flowersEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Awake, slumbering heralds, make way for the kingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Be a helper in life's journeyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Be a loving helper everywhere you goE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Be faithful, Christian soldierE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Be glad of heart, ye children of the KingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Be glad, ye children of Zion, rejoice in the Lord your GodE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Be like the Father, says Jesus to meE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
Be loyal to the Master (Hewitt)E. E. Hewitt (Author)2
Be not afraid wherever you goE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Be not weary or cast down, When the heavens seem to frownE. E. Hewitt (Author)English15
Be of cheer, O weary soul, hear the gentle Master sayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Be of cheer, ransomed soulE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Be strong in the Lord, in His royal mightE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Be ye not weary in serving your KingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Bear the cross for Jesus, bear it day by dayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English7
Bear the cup of loving serviceEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Bear the good tidings all over the worldE. E. Hewitt (Author)English8
Bear ye one another's burdens, 'Tis the blessed Master's willE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Beautiful land, "Holy land"Eliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Beautiful land, its cloudless skyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Beautiful light of a Savior'sEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Beautiful lilies, we swing them lowE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Beautiful lily with blossoms fairEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Beautiful little treasuresEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Beautiful message, borne from aboveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Beautiful morning, calm and brightEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Beautiful words of JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English23
Because He hath led me to Calvary's crossE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Because he paid my ransomEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Because He's abundantly able to saveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Before our Savior rose on highMiss Eliza E. Hewitt (Author)English6
Before the mercy seat I pleadE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Beneath the cover lid of snowEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Beside the cross, an open doorEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Beside the gate of BethlehemEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Beside the still waters my Shepherd will lead meEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Bethlehem, Calvary, Olivet, tellE. E. H. (Author)English5
Better to bear the Savior's crossEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Beyond, just beyond the dark shadows of timeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Beyond the blue, far above the passing gloomEliza Edmunds Hewitt (Author)English5
Beyond the clouds a light will shineEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Beyond the dim horizon lineE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Birds are singing, flower bells ringingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Birds are singing in the treesEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Blessed are they who do hunger and thirstE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Blessed, blessed Savior, by Thy gentle favorE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Blessed is the service of our Lord and KingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English20
Blessed Lamb of Calvary, humbly let me come to TheeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Blessed life in JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Blessed life of consecrationEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Blessed salvation, I take it with joyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Blessed Savior, hear my prayer, Lo, I come to TheeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Blessed Savior, look with favorEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Blessed Savior, meek and lowlyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Blessed Shepherd, gently leadingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Blessed stream from Calvary's hillEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English6
Blessed surrender, life's little allE. E. Hewitt (Author)English8
Blessed words of truth and beautyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Blest Comforter, abide with meEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Blest promise of Jesus, so richly fulfilledEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Blick fröhlich nach oben, o Pilger des HerrnEliza E. Hewitt (Author)German2
Blossom bells, blossom bellsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Blossoms of the sunny springE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Blotted out as a cloudEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Blushing roses openEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Boningar i himlens landEliza E. Hewitt (Author)Swedish2
Bowed beneath the load of your guilt and sinEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Breaking through mists of the valleyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Bright hours in Jesus findEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Brighter are the sunbeams on this dayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Bring all your sin to the Crucified OneE. E. Hewitt (Author)English17
Bring the corn and bringE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Bring them to Jesus, sweet praises of loveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Bring your sin to the loving SaviorEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Bring your vessels, not a fewE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Bringt allen Landen die Botschaft vom HerrnE. E. Hewitt (Author)German3
Brother, look out over the fields white and wavingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Buds and blooms sing the summer songEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Buds and blossoms of the springEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Buds and blossoms sing the summer songE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Burlado y sujeto al oprobio fué ElE. E. Hewitt (Author)Spanish1
Busy bees, humming mid the summer flowersEliza E. Hewitt (Author)6
Butterfly, butterfly, flitting byEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
By love never failingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
By love serve one anotherEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
By this sign we conquer Let it float on highEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
By Thy Holy Spirit's power, Lord, use meE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Calling, calling, as in GalileeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Calmly leaning on my SaviorEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English7
Canten del amor de CristoEliza E. Hewitt (Author)Spanish3
Careless pilgrim, now ariseE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Carols for Easter, bright songs of the springEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Carry on to victory the Cross of ChristEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Carry the message to lands far awayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Certainly, I will be with thee (Hewitt)Eliza E. Hewitt (Author)4
Cheer up, O weary pilgrim, to Zion's city boundEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Cheer up, weary sailor; your ship is adriftE. E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Child of the Master, honor His nameE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Child of the Master, wherever you areE. E. Hewitt (Author)English22
Children of the kingdom, sow the seeds of lightE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
Children of Zion know your king (Hewitt)Eliza E. Hewitt (Author)1
Children of Zion, march on to gloryE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Chime on, sweet bells, your music tellsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English10
Christ is coming, hallelujah!E. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Christ our King goes forth to conquerE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Christ, the burden bearer, came to me one dayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Christ, the Lord is coming to this world againEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Christ the Savior died for meE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Christian, arouse to serviceE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Christian, to the rescueEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Christmas hallelujahsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Christ's everlasting gospel is ringing out againEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English8
Cling like the ivyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Close to Jesus I'll abideE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Come, all ye weary and oppressedEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English20
Come and bear witness, ChristianE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Come and join our mission bandE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Come and see the Savior's beautyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Come away to Jesus, He is willing to forgiveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English6
Come back, come back to your better selfE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Come before the Lord with gladnessE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Come, blessed comforter, freely bestowingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Come, contrite one, and seek His graceEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English43
Come, dear friends, and let me tell youE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Come for all things are readyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Come freely to Jesus and tell Him your needEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Come, Holy Spirit, come, Spirit of powerE. E. Hewitt (Author)English9
Come in, blessed Savior, I'm weary of sinE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Come let us sing redeeming loveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Come, longing Christian, lose your fearE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
Come, Lord, and fill my waiting soulE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Come, Lord Jesus, come into my heartEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Come near to thy father and tell Him thy needE. E. Hewitt (Author)English12
Come, O come with anthems rejoicingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Come, O come to Jesus, Seek the grace that frees usE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Come sinner, come, why will you dieEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Come, sinner, leave the shadows that throng the downward wayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Come sinners, to the living OneLidie H. Edmunds (Author)English15
Come to Jesus, weary soul, See the living fountains rollE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Come to the throne of grace, Mercy is hereE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Come unto Jesus, all ye that labor, All that are weary, sad and oppressedE. E. Hewitt (Author)English8
Come unto me, the Savior said, Come unto me the Savior saidE. E. Hewitt (Author)English9
Come while God is calling, hear His word todayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English22
Come while the Savior is waiting to meet youEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Come with a carol of joy todayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Come with a promise to Jesus your LordE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Come with a song of praise and gladness!E. E. Hewitt (Author)2
Come, ye who are bearing the burden of sinE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Comforter holy, come to the lowlyMiss Eliza E. Hewitt (Author)English7
Comforter holy, Heavenly DoveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Coming, Lord Jesus, from glory aboveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Coming to Jesus, in life's morning hourE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Coming to the garden at the breaking of the dayEliza Edmunds Hewitt (Author)English3
Coming with this only pleaE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Confide in His care, O child of the LordE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Constrained by Thine unbounded loveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Count all life's golden jewels that sparkle evermoreE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Countless are the blessings from our Father's HandE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Courage, fellow Christian, comfort take and cheerEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Daffodil, bright daffodilEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Daisies and buttercups sparkling with dewEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Dear Father, for Thy tender loveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English6
Dear little blossoms, just waking upE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Dear little dew-dropsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Dear little violetsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Dear Lord, by the might of Thy Spirit DivineE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
Dear ones all, goodby, goodbyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English8
Dear Savior at thy cross I seeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Dear Savior, wash me in thy bloodEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Dear Savior, each trial but brings me to theeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Dear Savior, take this heart of mineE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Dear Shepherd, I love theeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Dell’amore di Gesu’ cantiamoE. E. Hewitt (Author)Italian2
Dem Werke des Herrn dieser Stimmen KlangE. E. Hewitt (Author)German2
Der er solskin i min sjæl idagE. E. Hewitt (Author)Norwegian2
Der Lebensbaum auf GolgathaEliza E. Hewitt (Author)German1
Despised and rejected, the world's rightful KingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Det är nyfödt hopp i min själl i dagE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
Det är solsken i min själ i dagE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
Do kind things promptly, don't delayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Do not shut your heart against the lightEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Do the duty that lies nearest, since the Master placed it thereE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Do they know we've been with JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Do we know our richesE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Do you hear a song resounding through the strifeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Do you hear that gentle whisper?E. E. Hewitt (Author)English13
Do you hear the Savior speakingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Do you hear the Savior's tender callE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Do you know the mighty Savior throned aboveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Do you love the blessed Savior Well enough to say you do?E. E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Do you think that my Savior will leave me?E. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Don't give up, my brother, when the way is hardE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Don't hide beneath a bushelE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Don't stop praying when the billows rollE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Don't you hear them shouting victory, all along the line?E. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Don't you want the Savior to pardon all your sinsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Dort im goldenen Dom in der himmlischen StadtEliza E. Hewitt (Author)German1
Down at the cross of Jesus, Bringing no other pleaEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Down from the mountains, a gay little streamEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Down into the fountain I would deeper goEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English22
Drifting carelessly with the tideE. E. Hewitt (Author)English14
Droben wandeln wir in WeißEliza E. Hewitt (Author)German1
Drop at the cross every burden you bearEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Du Gott willst mit mir seinE. E. Hewitt (Author)German2
Durch Christi Blut sind wir versöhntEliza E. Hewitt (Author)German1
Each country has its bannerEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Early in the morning, when the robin singsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Earnest workers, Jesus calls youEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Earth with broken cisternsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Earthly blossoms quickly perishEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Earthly sweets will sometime cloyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Easter visits earth againEliza Edmunds Hewitt (Author)3
Echo the loving Savior's callE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Ein ander Lebensjahr entschwand, ein ander Jahr von Gott gesandtEliza E. Hewitt (Author)German2
Ein Friedenshauch voll stiller LuftEliza E. Hewitt (Author)German2
Ein heller Sonnenschein ergießtE. E. Hewitt (Author)German3
Ein Lobgesang, ein heller KlangEliza E. Hewitt (Author)German1
Eine Seel' gerettet wirkt im Himmel Freud'Eliza E. Hewitt (Author)German1
El amor cantad de CristoEliza Hewitt (Author)Spanish4
Empty me of self, my gracious LordE. E. Hewitt (Author)English11
Enlarge our hearts, dear SaviorEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Enter His gates with thanksgivingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Entonad un himno que alegre el corazónEliza E. Hewitt (1851-1920) (Author)Spanish3
ഏറെയായ് ഞാൻ അറിയേണംE. E. Hewitt (Author)Malayalam2
Every cloud has a silver lining, Every storm has a rainbow brightE. E. Hewitt (Author)3
Every day for Jesus, every hour for HimE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Every day I have a letterEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Every day salvation this is what I needEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Every day the sunbeams brighten a someone's faceEliza E. Hewitt (Author)4
Every hour for Jesus, who bled and died for meE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Every little daisyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Every morning on its wingsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Every one at work in the gardenEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Every one in his place in the work for GodE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Every one may have a FriendEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Every soul that comes to Jesus is to Him so dearEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English8
Every step my Savior countsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Everything in Jesus, cleansing from all sinL. H. Edmunds (Author)English2
Fair and peaceful was the dawningEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Faith, faith, lifts up a bannerEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Faith is looking back to seeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Faith that clings to JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Faithful, ever faithful to the King's commandEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Faithful soldiers of the KingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Faithful to the Master, both in word and deedEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Father all holy, bend we so lowlyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English9
Father, bless thy Word to meEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Father, in thy mercy save us, From the drink that leads to woeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Fear not, believer, redemption draws nighEliza E. Hewitt (Author)4
Fear not, for the sun is shiningE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Fear not, I am with thee, Blessed golden rayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English38
Fear not, little flock, for the Shepherd's good careEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Fear not the tempest that is tossing thy frail barkE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Fear not, trembling Christian, the Lord is thy FriendEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Fear not, ye who follow Christ the LordEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Feliz, feliz cumpleañosEliza E. Hewitt (Author)Spanish6
Fill this temple with Thy gloryEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Find ich gleich in mir nur SchuldEliza E. Hewitt (Author)German1
Finished now the day's bright storyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Firmly stand for God with a purpose trueE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Flowers are blooming, birds are singing, in the sunny JuneE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Flowers breathe their fragranceEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Follow after Jesus, faithfullyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Follow me, said the Lord, in the long agoEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Following close to Jesus, following near his sideEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Following Jesus from day to day, trace his footprintsE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
For all the blessings we enjoyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
For all the many merciesEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
For all the many trials that come upon us hereE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
For Christ and the church, let our voices ringE. E. Hewitt (Author)English46
For God so loved the world, He gave His only Son (Hewitt)E. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
For our pleasant birthdaysE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
For sanctifying power, we come todayE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
For the blessings that gladdenEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Forget not the numberless merciesE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Forth from the cross where Jesus diedEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Forward, brothers, forward, battle for the rightE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Forward, ever forward, rally one and allEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English7
Forward, ever forward, still let the watchword ringE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Forward, forward, all the world for JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Forward, forward, there's a work to doE. E. Hewitt (Author)3
Frail will be the blossoms that earthly gardens yieldEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Framat vi ga dit var herde oss lederEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Freely give, freely give, Hear our blessed Savior sayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Freely the violets sweet perfume giveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Fresh springs so holyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Fresh young leaves upon the treesEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Friends, good night! friends, good night!E. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
From every danger, doubt and fearE. E. Hewitt (Author)English9
From my sin and danger Jesus savesE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
From sinful self, from doubts and fearsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
From that dear cross where Jesus diedLidie H. Edmunds (Author)English5
From the sacred pages, shines a promise brightE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
From the stranger countryE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
From yonder cross what beams divineEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English7
Fruitless the toiling, dreary the nightEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Full salvation, this I craveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Fully persuaded of God's wondrous loveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Fürchte dich nicht länger, Sieh, Ich bin mit dir!E. E. Hewitt (Author)German1
Fürchte nichts, ich bin mit dirE. E. Hewitt (Author)German2
Gather 'round the banner of the LordE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
Gather the fairest rosebudsMiss Eliza E. Hewitt (Author)English9
Gathering home, from all lands neath the sunEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
歌頌耶穌奇妙大愛 (Gēsòng yēsū qímiào dà ài)E. E. Hewitt (Author)Chinese2
Gentle Savior, hear me when I prayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Gentle Savior, bend Thine earE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Gentle summer breezes, whispering to the flowersE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Get another pilgrim to walk the blessed wayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Get right with God, And do it now (Hewitt)E. E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Gib mir dein Herz, ruft der Vater dir zuEliza E. Hewitt (Author)German3
Giv mig et glimt af min JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)Norwegian1
Give, little sunbeams, golden brightE. E. Hewitt (Author)English8
Give me thy heart, says the Father aboveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English102
Give thanks and sing unto the Lord our GodEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English14
Give the very best to JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Glory be to Jesus, not from lips aloneEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Glory to God for His sunshine is freeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English10
Glory to Jesus, my glad heart singsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Go apart with Jesus in the morning fairEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Go, carry thy burden to JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English7
Go forth to speak for Christ todayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Go, like the master and carry gladnessEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Go on with the work, go on, go on!Eliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Go out in the highway, the dear Master saidEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Go, study the Bible, God's Word is a lightE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Go to God for grace to help youEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Go to Jesus when your heart is heavyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Go, work today, the blessed Master saidEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Go ye out in the highways, With the life-giving wordE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Go ye through the gates, with a happy song of loveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
God cares for every little birdEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
God gave the birds their airy wingsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
God gives me this assurance sweetE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
God hath laid in Zion his foundation stoneE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
God is faithful, ever faithful, He will surely keep His wordE. E. Hewitt (Author)English15
God is in His holy temple, Praise, O praise His name todayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
God is my salvation, wherefore should I fear?Eliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
God is visiting His peopleEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
God never breaks His promisesL. Hewitt (Author)English2
God sent his voice, a mighty voiceEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
God tells us in His wordE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
God will take care of me, Here will I restEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English15
God's almighty power is the same this hourE. E. Hewitt (Author)3
God's holy Book tells ever of the Savior's loveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
God's infinite Son is my Savior and FriendE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Going home to be with Jesus, what a blessed hope is oursEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Goodbye, goodbye, with grateful heartsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Good news, good news of a soul redeemedE. E. Hewitt (Author)English7
Goodbye, our dear teacher, and little friends, tooEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Grace, grace triumphant, O lift the happy songE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Grace more abounding, O who can tellEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Gran gozo hay en mi alma hoyEliza E. Hewitt (1851-1920) (Author)Spanish3
Grande gozo hay en mi alma hoy, Pues Jesús conmigo estáE. E. Hewitt (Author)Spanish20
Hallowed be thy name, our FatherE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Hang the stockings in a rowE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Happy hours, happy hoursE. E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Happy in Jesus, no life is so blessedEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Happy little soldiers, standing for the rightEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Happy little sowers, scattering by the wayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Happy little sunbeam childrenEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Happy New Year, happy New Year, Sing we our closing chorusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Happy our birthdays when we gladly bringEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Hark! a message from the King of gloryE. E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Hark! the bells, the Christmas [Sabbath] bellsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Hark! the good Shepherd is calling His neighborsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Hark! there's a message from over the seaE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Hark, 'tis a song from the Christmas skyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Hark, 'tis the Master! He's calling you todayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English22
Hark, 'tis the spirit so kindly entreatingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Haste, haste, haste in the business of the KingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English6
Have faith in God, the Savior saidE. E. Hewitt (Author)English17
Have we laid up our treasures in heavenEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Have we learned the secret of the Christian's powerEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English8
Have ye received the Holy GhostE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Have you carried cups of waterL. H. Edmunds (Author)English2
Have you found Jesus a Savior indeedE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Have you heard the good news from the country afarEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Have you learned to sing the blessed songE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
He ao la'ela'e iloko o'uE. E. Hewitt (Author)Hawaiian3
He came to me in time of needE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
He is blest Who loves bestEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
He is knocking, softly knocking at the doorEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English23
He is mine, I am His; let His praise resoundE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
He is risen, day of wonderEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English6
He that believeth, what a sweet and simple wayE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
He that on Jesus the Son hath believedEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
He was wounded in the armyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
He will never leave meE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
He will not always drive the cloud awayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
He will not forsake you, Whose glories shine afarE. E. Hewitt (Author)English12
Hear our watchword loudly ringingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Hear the blessed invitation of the mighty King of kingsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Hear the blessed Savior's voiceEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Hear the blessed voice of JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Hear the gentle, kindly wordEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Hear the Heavenly Father in His mercy speakingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Hear the joy-bells ringing, Happy voices singingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Hear the joyful carolsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Hear the Master as he bade farewellEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Hear the music of the grand old bellsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Hear the precious gospel storyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Hear the word of the Lord todayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Hear the words of consolationE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Heartily, heartily, as to the LordEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Heavenly Father, bless Thy children, In our Savior's name, we prayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Help me, Lord, to tell the storyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Help the one next to youE. E. Hewitt (Author)4
Help to save somebody, Christian, ariseEliza E. Hewitt (Author)5
Helped by helping othersEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Here a little, and there a littleEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Here peace, and love, and hope abideE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Herr, bewahre uns von SündenEliza E. Hewitt (Author)German2
Heut' ist's im Herzen SonnenscheinEliza E. Hewitt (Author)German4
Ho, comrades, loyal to the good old BookEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Hoch, da droben im Himmel voll herrlicher PrachtE. E. H. (Author)German2
Hold me fast, O blessed SaviorEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Hold my hand dear SaviorE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Hold up a promise to the throne of graceEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English8
Hold up the Bible, for only there we learnE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Holiness unto the Lord let it be our marching songE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Holy, holy, holy, angel voices singingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English8
Holy is the sabbath dayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Holy Spirit, hear me nowE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Hope's beautiful sunbeamsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Hört ihr nicht der Weinachtsglocken hellen KlangEliza E. Hewitt (Author)German3
Hört ihr nicht ein Lied ertönen in dem StreitE. E. Hewitt (Author)German2
Hosanna, hosanna, the children were singingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English8
Hosanna, once the children sangEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Hosanna sang the children in Zion long agoE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Hosannas dieron a Jesús, ¡Hosanna en las alturas!E. E. Hewitt (Author)Spanish3
How can I honor Him? what shall I bring?Eliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
How do I know there's pardonE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
How do the woods keep Easter dayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
How much owest thou to the Father aboveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
How much we owe to JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
How precious the thought of that beautiful seaEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
How sweet is the promise that gladdensEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
However weak your faith todayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Hoy gozoso medito en la tierra mejorE. E. Hewitt (Author)Spanish4
Humble in spirit, dear Lord, I would beEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Hvad omend stundom torneE. E. Hewitt (Author)Norwegian2
I am coming to the cross, Lord JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
I am coming unto Jesus, for his voice I hearE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
I am going home, Jesus found meEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
I am holding on to Jesus though my faith may not be strongE. E. Hewitt (Author)English1
I am satisfied with Jesus, He is all in all to meE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
I am singing of my Savior, for He gave His life for meEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I am thinking today of a hill far awayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English1
I am thinking today of that beautiful land (Hewitt)E. E. Hewitt (Author)English225
I am under the blood of JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)5
I came to my Redeemer through mercy rich and freeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I came to the Master in sorrow one dayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I came to the Savior of sinner one dayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
I can never tell how much I love HimE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I cannot doubt my Father's loveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
I come, though my sins be as scarletE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
I come unto Thee, seeking Calvary's mountainE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I have a gracious masterE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
I have a home in glory, Dear friends are gathered thereEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I have come to the fountain that flows from the RockE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I have found a refuge, here will I abideEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
I have found Him, I have found HimE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
I have heard his voice, when the morningEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
I have read in the Bible, in God's holy WordEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
I have sown the seed, the sower saidEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
I hear a voice, 'tis calling meE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
I hear sweet whisperings of loveEliza Edmunds Hewitt (Author)English2
I heard it first at Calvary's hillE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
I heard of a Savior who sought for the lostEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
I journeyed once with sadnessE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I know I am littleEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I know not where those mansions areE. C. Hewett (Author)English2
I know not why the storms ariseE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
I know thee, dear SaviorEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
I learned it in the BibleEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English14
I lift up mine eyes to the hillsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
I look to Thee, my Savior KingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
I looked upon my Savior's crossEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
I love Jesus, for He saved my soulEliza Edmund Stites Hewitt (Author)English14
I love my dear Savior, I love Him todayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I need the blood of JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I need the dear Savior, not far, far awayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I once was a sinner, afar from the LordEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
I sing a glad song to my Savior todayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English6
I take all my troubles to Jesus my FriendE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I trust thee, blessed SaviorE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
I turned from broken cisternsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I walked on the bank of a beautiful streamEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I want no other argumentLidie H. Edmunds (Author)English1
I want to be filled with thy spiritEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
I want to get closer to Jesus, I long to see more of His graceE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I was starving in the desertE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
I was wandering, heavy-ladenE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I will always keep close to JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
I will arise and go to my Father, Long have I wandered far from His faceE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
I will get me to the mountainE. E. Hewitt (Author)English7
I will go, I will go, to the Savior I'll goE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
I will go to Jesus, Savior kind and greatE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I will go to Jesus now, while the Holy Spirit callsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
I will lift up my eyes unto heavenEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
I will seek the blessed SaviorEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
I will sing amid earth's trialsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I would be a little lightE. E. Hewitt (Author)3
Ich liebe Dich, Jesu, Dich Gott, meinen HerrnEliza E. Hewitt (Author)German2
Ich wand're mit Jesu Tag für TagEliza E. Hewitt (Author)German2
If a Bible word you knowE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
If I were a bird, a gay singing birdEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
If the clouds should gather on our wayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
If the Lord has blest your soulEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
If we sow the seed with patience, though perchance it be with tearsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
If you have the sunshine sparkling in your soulE. E. Hereitt (Author)English2
If you realized the dangerE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
If you would serve the Lord arightEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
If you've confessed the Savior's nameE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I'll cast my burden on the LordEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
I'll decide for JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
I'll dwell every day in the light of the crossE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I'll go to the King with my burden of sinE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
I'll look away to Calvary's browE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I'll sing my dear Redeemer's praiseLidie H. Edmunds (Author)English4
I'll tarry at a promise till Jesus meets me thereE. E. Hewitt (Author)English11
I'll think of Jesus when my wayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I'll trust the dear Father who knows what is bestE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
I'll work for Jesus, for He saves my soulE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
I'm a little daisyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I'm a little sunbeam, Just a golden rayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I'm a Saved sinnerE. E. Hewitt (Author)4
I'm always glad when Sunday comes, The day our Father blessedEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I'm not afraid of the journeyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I'm rejoicing every day that my sins are washed awayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
I'm singing for Jesus, a song of the heartEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I'm trusting Himto keep my soulE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I'm trusting in Jesus, I'm happy in himE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I'm trusting today in the word of the LordEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
In a little basket, under skies of blueE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
In a precious casketE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
In a song of joy and gladnessEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
In a sunny corner grows a little vineEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
In all thy ways acknowledge Him, He shall thy paths directL. H. Edmunds (Author)English2
In Baraca's sweet valeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
In bright ranks we're marchingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
In Calvary's fountain, deep and wideE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
In Christ is full redemption foundEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English11
In God, my Father I believeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
In humble faith at Jesus' feetE. E. Hewitt (Author)English7
In life's early morning when the sky is blueEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
In my garden plot there growsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
In penitence He brought me lowEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
In safeguard with JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
In sunshine and in shadow, I have a changeless FriendE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
In that fair land where no shadows fallE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
In the beautiful temple the children sangE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
In the Bible we are told that the little onesEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
In the blessed Book that God hath givenEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
In the Book of God, we see His truthEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
In the cleft of the rock, let me evermore hideE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
In the days of old, in a country far awayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
In the dewy pasturesEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English5
In the Father's houseEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
In the great voyage of life, let our course be each dayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
In the happy land Where the angels standE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
In the harvest fields of life we are sowing, sowingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
In the holy Bible is the living breadEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
In the house beautiful, Lord, would I dwellEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
In the inner court with JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
In the land beyond the riverE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
In the land of peace and gladnessEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
In the land where the angels are singingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
In the Lord confidingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
In the mansions of beauty, by the bright crystal seaE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
In the march of life 'mid battles sharp and soreEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
In the midst of care and tribulationEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
In the midst of darkness, let us ever shineE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
In the midst of temptation In the thick of the fightE. E. Hewitt (Author)English6
In the morning I will pray, asking God to bless my dayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
In the morning of life we are singingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
In the musings of the twilightEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
In the name of the Savior Who died on the crossE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
In the resurrection morning When the shades of time have fledEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
In the riven Rock there's a refuge for my soulEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English5
In the rosy morning hoursE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
In the rosy morning of life's flitting dayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
In the service of the KingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
In the storm of life, in the waves of sinE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
In the summertime of beautyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
In the sunny pasture, See the ransomed flockE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
In the time of trouble, let us trust the LordE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
In the west the sun is settingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
In the wonderful land where the weary shall restEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
In the work we have to doE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
In the work you're doingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
In this world of conflicts, servants of the KingE. E. Hewitt (Author)3
In thy mercy, blessed SaviorEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
In thy name, divine RedeemerEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
In thy temple holy, LordEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
In yonder bright city they're singing todayE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
In youth’s sunny morning, while gay blossoms springEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Increase our faith; through good and illE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
இன்றென் வாழ்வில் வந்ததே ஒளி மா பிரகாசமாகவே (Iṉṟeṉ vāḻvil vantatē oḷi mā pirakācamākavē)E. E. Hewitt (Author)Tamil2
Is it well with thee?E. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Isn't it a comfort to know our FatherEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
It is well in happy hours to sing a hallelujah songE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
It needs but a touch, a touch of the heartE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
It was night in the templeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I've a passport on my pilgrimage to heavenE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I've found a blessed hiding placeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
I've found a Friend, all friends aboveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English6
I've found a sweet promise in God's holy WordE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
I've found that earth's waters will never satisfyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English6
I've heard the fame of JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
I've thought of the cityEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Ja, ich habe ihn gefunden! hin zum Kreuze ging mein PfadE. E. H. (Author)German2
Jesus all my steps is guidingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Jesus came from heaven for meE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Jesus, endast Jesus 'r min fr'lsningsgrundEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Jesus, Friend of sinners, Save me, I imploreEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Jesus gives his peace to meLidie H. Edmunds (Author)English3
Jesus, God's beloved SonEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Jesus, I will take TheeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Jesus, in Gethsemane, Thy submission give to meE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Jesus in His service will His child employE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Jesus in his temple dwellingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Jesus is calling the children todayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Jesus is everything to meE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Jesus is mighty to save todayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Jesus is mine, on Calvary he bought meEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Jesus is my Friend, and O, what joy it is to knowE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Jesus is my Savior, faithful, true and strongEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Jesus is ready, is ready to saveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Jesus is the Refuge, where hides my trusting soulEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Jesus is waiting His grace to bestowEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English18
Jesus ist mein Freund! O dies zu wissen, welche Lust!Eliza E. Hewitt (Author)German2
Jesus loves the tiny toddlersE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
Jesus, my Savior, whisper to meEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Jesus only, Jesus only Lifts the heavy load of sinEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Jesus, our Savior, we come to TheeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Jesus passed through Jericho, as to the cross He wentE. E. Hewitt (Author)English8
Jesus reigns forever, mighty Victor stillE. E. Hewitt (Author)English6
Jesus reigns, his people savingE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
Jesus saved others, burdened, oppressedE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Jesus saves me, blest assuranceE. E. H. (Author)English4
Jesus sweetly bids us be of cheerEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Jesus, take our hands in ThineE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Jesus the Savior is calling today, Come to Him now, come to Him nowE. E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Jesus wants the childrenEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Jesus was a little childEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Jesus was once a child like meE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Jesus will heute dein Retter seinE. E. Hewitt (Author)German2
Jesus will save you, if only you trust himEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Jetzt noch verhüllt schau ich das LichtE. E. Hewitt (Author)German1
Jewels for the Master may we be!Eliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
將心給我!」天父呼召聲音 (Jiāng xīn gěi wǒ!'Tiān fù hū zhào shēngyīn)Eliza E. Hewitt (Author)Chinese2
Join the happy chorus of the birds and flowersEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Joy in Jesus I possessE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Joy, joy, 'tis our BibleE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Joyful and sweet are the songs that we singE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Joyful tidings, full of life and gloryEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Joyous hallelujahs, ringing glad and freeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Just a little closer, Saviour, hear my cryEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Just a little message from the word divineEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Just a little music in the key of praiseEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Just a little pansyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Just a little sunshine everywhere we goE. E. Hewitt (Author)English24
Just before the dawn of Easter dayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Just lean upon Jesus, He'll help you alongEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English9
Just to do the little thingsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Just when I need Him, Jesus is near, Might to save me, ready to cheerE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Just where the Lord may need meEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Już się nie bój dłużejEliza Edmunds Hewitt (Author)Polish2
Keep looking on the bright sideE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Keep me, blessed Savior, lest I stray from TheeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Keep me faithful, blessed JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Keep step steadily, youthful soldiers of the KingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Keep the household angels singing, singingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English6
Keep the joybells ringing, everywhere you goEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Keep the light burning, the billows are highE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Keep the music ringingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English18
Keep the pledge, keep it, boysE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Keep the stars of our flagEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Keep the vision of the cross before youE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
Keep them ringing, keep them ringing, missionary bellsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English14
Keep trusting in the SaviorE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
Keep us, blessed Savior, keep usEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Keep your eye on the starEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Keeping step togetherE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Kind in thought and actionE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Kleine Bauleut' sind wir all'E. E. Hewitt (Author)German1
Kleine Töne Musik, schallend durch das JahrE. E. Hewitt (Author)German1
Kom, bange sjæl, og naade tagE. E. Hewitt (Author)Norwegian2
Komm, trauernd Herze, suche Gnad'E. E. Hewitt (Author)German2
Kommt, jauchzt dem Herrn der WeltenE. E. Hewitt (Author)German1
Kommt, Sünder, zu dem GnadenthronEliza E. Hewitt (Author)German1
Kommt und erzählt von Jesu mirE. E. Hewitt (Author)German2
Lad mig om Jesus vide mer'E. E. Hewitt (Author)Norwegian2
Lamb of God, who died for meE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Lasst die Fahne weh'nEliza E. Hewitt (Author)German2
Launch away, believer, on the swelling tideE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Launch out the life-boat on life's stormy waveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Lead me, my Savior, let thy kind favorE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Lead on, O Prince EmmanuelE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Lead us not into temptation, Heavenly Father guard and guideEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Learning of Jesus, blest retreatEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Leave the path that lies in shadow, and step upward into lightEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Leaves of the autumn, brown, crimson and goldEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Led by the cross, we will onward goEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Led by the starEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Led of the Spirit, Lord, would I beEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Let Jesus choose my path for meE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Let me do some work for JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Let me faithful be, While his cross I seeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Let me render, by his mercyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Let me walk with Thee, dear Savior (Hewitt)E. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Let my steps be light and freeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Let the blessed love light linger as the days are flying pastE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Let the children of Zion be joyful in their KingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Let the joyful tidings ring in song and storyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Let the laurel twineEliza Edmunds Hewitt (Author)English4
Let the light of love shine clearE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Let the whole wide world be takenEliza Edmund Stites Hewitt (Author)English4
Let the wicked forsake his wayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Let the wings of the morning my spirit upliftEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Let us ask the gracious Savior for a spirit like His ownE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Let us ask the precious Savior To go with us while we partEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English11
Let us carry the sunshine wherever we goEliza Edmunds Hewitt (Author)English2
Let us come with praiseEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Let us counsel together, dear friends, day by dayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Let us do all we can for each otherE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Let us drop a word for Jesus, as a living seedEliza E. Hewitt (Author)4
Let us endeavor to speak for the MasterE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Let us give our youth to JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Let us give the cup of water in His nameEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Let us press toward the mark, though it shines far aboveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Let us rise, let us riseEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Let us run with patience, Our appointed raceEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Let us sing a song that will cheer us by the wayE. E. H. (Author)English24
Let us trust Him in the darknessEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Let's give them something better, friendsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Liebe seh' ich göttlich großEliza E. Hewitt (Author)German1
Life has its changeful seasons, its sunshine and its rainE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Life wears a different face to meE. E. Hewitt (Author)English71
Lift a happy songEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Lift a song of cheer, as we march alongE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Lift me higher, blessed Savior By Thy resurrection mightE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Lift me higher, draw me nearerE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
Lift me up, O Jesus To Mount Pisgah's heightEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Lift our banner highEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Lift the leafy branchesEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Lift up Jesus in a worldEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Lift up the grand old book that has stood for ages pastEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Lift up the joyful voice of praiseE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Lift up the light, The blessed light of loveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Lift up the standard of the King of gloryE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Lift up your eyes (Hewitt)Eliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Lift ye gates, lift up your heads with gladnessE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Lift your eyes to Jesus; see the CrucifiedE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Lift your eyes to the cross, where the Lord of glory diedEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Lift your heads, O ye gates, lift them up on highEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Lifted into the sunshine, Ring it out with a songE. E. Hewitt (Author)3
Lifting glad hosannas to the Lord our KingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Light up the world for Jesus Light up your face with smilesE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Like a dove to the windowEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Like the clouds of the nightEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Like the sheep that's gone astrayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Like the sigh of the breezeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Listen to the blessed invitationE. E. Hewitt (Author)English40
Listen to the still, small voiceE. E. Hewitt (Author)English8
Litet v'nligt solsken lat oss sprida detEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Little bird, with downy breastEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Little birds of praise are weEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Little birds of springtime sweet and gayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)4
Little blossoms, upward springingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Little brown sparrow, chirping awayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Little builders all are we, building for God's eyes to seeLidie E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Little children of Jesus, we carol His praiseEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Little children of the KingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Little children, praises bringE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Little Christians, at home and schoolEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Little daisies noddingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Little hands can scatter rosesE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Little hands may scatter seeds of faith and loveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Little hands to work for Jesus, Little feet to walk His wayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English6
Little lights are shiningMiss Eliza E. Hewitt (Author)English11
Little ones may come to JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Little Robin Redbreast sat upon a treeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Little soldiers of JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)4
Little steps of kindnessEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Little sunbeams bright and gayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Live like the blessed MasterE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Live to be a blessing carry hope and cheerEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Live to be a blessing in this world of oursE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Living all for Jesus as He leads the wayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Living all for Jesus 'tis the golden wayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English6
Living by the moment trusting every hourE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Living to save the lostE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Lo, the Shepherd calls His flockE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Look always to Jesus for pardon and peaceE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Look away to the hills, to the beautiful hillsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Look for the beautiful day after dayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Look up happy Christian look up to the skyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Look up to Jesus and with loving trustEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English17
Look up to Jesus lift up thy neighborE. E. Hewitt (Author)English11
Looking to Jesus as we journey alongE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Looking to Jesus, bright Star of the dayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Looking unto Jesus, clinging to the crossEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Looking up to Jesus, humble, contrite soulE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Lord, be Thou my helperEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Lord, be thy service all my joyE. E. Hewitt (Author)1
Lord, carest thou not that we perishEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Lord, conscious of weakness, I look up to TheeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Lord, empty Thou my soul todayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Lord, God of hosts, we bless thy nameE. E. Hewitt (Author)3
Lord, help me to love thee, more, more every dayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Lord, I come to thee in prayerEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Lord, I have wandered from Thy wayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Lord, I seek Thee, heavy ladenE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Lord, keep my inmost heartEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Lord, keep my soul from day to dayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English32
Lord, make my heart so pure and trueEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Lord of the harvest, we fervently prayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Lord, show me thy glory, the light of thy faceE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Lord, Thou hast tenderly reached from aboveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Lord, thy voice so tenderEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Lord, we seek thy tender guidanceEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Lost, a rich treasure, more precious than goldEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Lost, lost on the mountains of sin and despairEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English16
Love everlasting, love Divine!Eliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Love is shining over us, Mercy goes before usEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Love, that opens heaven to meE. E. Hewitt (Author)English12
Lower and lower, dear Lord, at Thy feetE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Loyal be, and trueEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Loyally serving Jesus, day by dayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Loyalty to the master, loyalty to the kingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English24
Mai mult pe Isus vreau a ştiE. E. Hewitt (Author)Romanian2
Mais de Cristo quer ver, mais do seu amor obterEliza Edmunds Hewitt (Author)Portuguese2
Make haste, glad haste, in the service of the kingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Make me a channel of blessing, LordE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Make me a child of ThineEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English7
Make me a witness, dear Savior, for TheeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Make me, O Lord, by Grace divineE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Make room in your heart for the Savior of menEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Make the moments count for JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Making others happy, 'Tis a blessed artEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Mansions in the FatherlandE. E. Hewitt (Author)English8
Many in darkness are far astrayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English8
Many mansions, many mansionsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Many the needs in this world of oursEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Many the ways that we ought to set rightE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
March, march along, let us gladly singE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
March on, Christian soldiers, nor yield to the foeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
March on, happy soldiers, rejoice as you goEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English6
March on, march on, follow the mighty commanderE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
March onward still! hear the bugles blow!E. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Marching along at our Captain's wordE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Marching, marching, hear the pennies chimeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Marching 'neath love's bannerEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Marching on, marching on, Onward at our Captain's wordEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Marching on, rejoicingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Marching on to Zion, city of the KingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Marching on together in the ranks of the KingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Markerne til høsten modnesE. E. Hewitt (Author)Norwegian2
Marvelous are Thy works, O King of heavenE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Marvelous loving kindness, O Lord, thy children singE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Más de Jesús deseo saberE. E. Hewitt (Author)Spanish7
Más de Jesús quiero aprenderEliza Hewitt (Author)Spanish3
Mehr von des Heilands Lieb und GnadE. E. Hewitt (Author)German1
Mein Herz ist heut' voll SonnenscheinE. E. Hewitt (Author)German2
Mera om Jesus, O att jagEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Messages from the KingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Meu coração descana em DeusEliza (Lida) Edmunds Hewitt, 1851-1920 [Lidie H. Edmunds] (Author)Portuguese2
Mid life's pleasure, 'mid its careEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Mid the trials of lifeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Mighty to save us, and strong to deliverEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Min Jesus hoer den boen jag barEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Mit frohem Gemüte besinget die GüteEliza E. Hewitt (Author)German2
Mit Liedern des Dankes im fröhlichen ChorEliza E. Hewitt (Author)German2
Moment by moment, as the sands fallE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
More about Jesus would I know, More of his grace to others showE. E. Hewitt (Author)English400
More laborers for the harvestE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
More room, more room at the cross of ChristE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
My blessed Lord has gone beforeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
My choice is King Jesus, He's reigning aboveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
My faith has found a resting place, from guilt my soul is freedEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English31
My father and mother, how good to me and kindE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
My Father fills my present needEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
My hands I raise the LordEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
My happy heart is singingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
My heart is sweetly restingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
My heart uplifts a happy songE. E. Hewitt (Author)English9
My life, my all, to Thee I bringEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
My lips are filled with singingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
My meditation shall be sweet, Thinking of Jesus, precious JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
My Savior bore the curse for meEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
My Savior came down from His glory on highE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
My Savior hath said it, I know it is trueEliza E. Hewitt (Author)4
My Savior hears the prayer I raiseEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
My Savior is abiding, abiding in my heartE. E. Hewitt (Author)English6
My Savior leads along life's wayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
My Savior, O, what glories shineEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
My Savior reaches from the throneEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
My Savior shed His blood for meEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
My Savior, when they brought TheeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
My Savior came from realms above (Hewitt)E. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
My Savior died to open wideE. E. Hewitt (Author)English7
My sins were a burden too heavy to bearEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
My soul has found a healing streamEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English7
My soul sings glory all the wayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English13
My times are in my heavenly Father's handsEliza Edmunds Hewitt (Author)English5
Naraniag daytoy aldaw itaE. E. Hewitt (Author)Tagalog2
Nataka nimjue YesuE. E. Hewitt (Author)Swahili2
National prohibition for the land we loveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Nearer, O my Savior! Nearer would I beE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Nearer to Jesus, His precious bloodE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Needful strength for me each dayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Never, never borrow trouble from the morrowEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Never will the Lord forget his ownE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Never will the Lord forsake usE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Never will the Master leave usEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Nevermore a sorrow, nevermore a fearEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
New songs, new songs for JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Níveas ropas sin igualEliza Edmunds Stites Hewitt, 1851-1920 (Author)Spanish2
No blossom needs the lightE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
No farewell shall be uttered upon that Golden ShoreEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
No, I cannot count themEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
No longer from Jesus, no longer I'll roamEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
No matter how gloomy my pathway may beEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
No matter how hard goes the battle of lifeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English6
No matter how stormy thy pathwayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
No one but Jesus can cleanse me from sinE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
No setting sun, no fading rayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English6
No work, no merit of my ownEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Not a mountain streamlet, Singing as it flowsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Not empty handed would I goEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Not empty handed would I goE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Not far ahead, on the pathway I seeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Not mine, but Thine, the hours that passE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Not one day without my SaviorE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Not one thing hath failed usEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Not unto us shall be the praiseE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Nothing to pay for atonement's madeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
N'r med min synd jag till korset gar framEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Numbering all thy kingdom, openings to be and doE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
O a conquering host is the army of GodEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
O, a gladsome song 'tis mine to singE. E. H. (Author)English5
O be joyful in the Lord, For his love like sunshine pouredE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
O be not discouraged, dear child of the KingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O bless the Savior's name!E. E. Hewitt (Author)English1
O blessed hope so dear, so brightE. E. Hewitt (Author)English12
O blessed rest in JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English9
O blessed token of the Father's loveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O blessed word, the message of salvationEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
O come, O come, for staunch and strongEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O come, to Calvary turningEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O, come to the feast on the hillsideEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O come to the fountain, Jesus is waitingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
O come to the fountain of life, Abundantly flowing for theeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O, come to the Savior, my brotherEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
O for a harvest of joy aboveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O for a heart that is whiter than snowE. E. Hewitt (Author)English45
O for a vision of JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O give thanks unto the Lord, Give thanks, give thanksE. E. Hewitt (Author)English6
O happy Boy of Galilee!E. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O her cheek was like the roseEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
O Himmelslicht brich' einEliza E. Hewitt (Author)German2
O how great my need of JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
O hvila vid JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
O I want to be ready when the BridegroomEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
O if you would be the victorEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Ó, irmãos, cantai nesta peregrinaçãoE. E. Hewitt (Author)Portuguese2
O is it too good, too good to be trueEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
O it is wonderful, when I was drearilyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English7
O, jeg tænker idag paa det herlige landE. E. Hewitt (Author)Norwegian2
O Jesus, my Friend and RedeemerE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O let me look around meEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
O let memory be a blessingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
O let us love each other, For that is God's own wayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O let us rejoice in the work of the LordE. E. Hewitt (Author)English16
O, listen again to the musicE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O listen again to the voice loudly sounding!E. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O Lord, in thy Zion praise waiteth for theeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
O Lord, Thy mighty grace impartEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
O, may none of us be missingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O min tanke flyr hän till det härliga landEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
O, min tanke flyr hän till det härliga landE. E. Hewitt (Author)Swedish2
O praise the Lord, love's golden chordEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O praise the Lord, when all the skyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
O pray, for the Father is ready to hearE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
O rock-a-by, my dolly dearE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O Savior of sinners (Hewitt)Eliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
O say not tomorrow, today is the timeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
O seek for the Savior E. E. Hewitt (Author)2
O shining hours of gladnessEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
O sing a song of our firesides and our friendsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
O sing, happy Christian, and trusting the LordE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O sing His praise, who governs earth and skyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
O sing the name of Jesus in joyful hymns of praiseE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
O sing to the Savior, loud anthems employE. E. Hewitt (Translator)English5
O sing unto the Lord a new songE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O singet eure Lieder dem Heilande heutE. E. Hewitt (Author)German1
O so many flags are waving, all aflutter in the airE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O spirit of poetry, tune your sweet harpE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O sweet companionship, whenEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
O tell me more of Christ, my SaviorEliza Edmunds Hewitt (Author)English16
O the dearest of all flags on land or on sea Eliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
O, the everlasting Father is the refuge of my soulE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O the fullness of the blessing which in Jesus is revealedE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O the happy birds and flowers would sayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O the heights and depths of loveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
O the little lambs are bleatingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
O the Master to our hearts is callingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
O the promises of JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
O there's sunshine, blessed sunshine (Chorus)E. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O thou bleeding Lamb of GodE. E. Hewitt (Author)English16
O 'tis wonderful, wonderful, the way the Lord providesEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
O to be more faithful, working day by dayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)6
O to be more tenderEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
O to be up and doingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
O to have the Savior's mindEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
O to set the world rejoicing every dayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English6
O what a mighty Savior, remembering all my needEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
O what blessing Jesus bringsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
O what blessings Jesus has for meE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O what boundless love we seeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
O what everlasting mercy, Saved me, pardoned and restoredE. E. Hewitt (Author)English12
O what joy what delightEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
O What joy when we meet with the friends that we loveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
O what must I do to be saved From the guilt and dominion of sin?Eliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
O what peace it gives to meE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O what shall be ours in that beautiful landEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
O wonderful Savior, how great is Thy loveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O, work for the Master; the field is so wideEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Over all the wasted pastE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Oft I hear my Savior sayingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Oft segelt unter StürmenE. E. H. (Author)German2
O bless the Lord, He cleansed my soulE. E. Hewitt (Author)English10
¡Oh! cuánto necesita obreros el SeñorEliza E. Hewitt (1851-1920) (Author)Spanish2
O don't give him up! he has wandered awayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O glad are our hearts in a service of loveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
O how kindly Jesus smiledE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O let us come to life's fair treeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O praise Him, O praise HimE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O the wind was keen that cold winter nightE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O, the winds were hushed, and the night grew fairE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
O to have the mind of JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English7
O trust in the Lord, While you do His willE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
O what a Savior in Jesus I've foundE. E. Hewitt (Author)English7
O won't we be a happy peopleE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
On, halting Christian, for the word is forward stillE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
On life's great battle groundEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
On, little pilgrims, the Lord is KingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
On, march on, the battle now is ragingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
On that holy night when the angels brightEliza Edmunds Hewitt (Author)English2
On the bough of the treeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
On the bright and golden morrowE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
On the cross my Savior bought meE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
On the land, on the sea, Wherever you may beE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
On the shining fields of gloryEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
On the throne everlasting my Father is KingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
On to the land of glory On to the home of lightE. E. Hewitt (Author)English8
Once a troubled mother sought the Lord in needE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Once a wondrous healer, Christ of GalileeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Once I heard my Master talkingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Once my way was dark and drearyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English57
Once on a mountainside, green and fairEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Once to Jesus came the mothersE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Once when a shower was fallingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
One Christmas nightEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
One day at a time to carry the crossE. E. Hewitt (Author)English7
One day the little drops of rainEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
One day the Savior found meE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
One is our Master, the blessed RedeemerE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
One night, a carol was heard aboveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
One thing I know, O bless His nameEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English15
One who died to rescue meEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
One who will freely forgive all my sinE. E. Hewitt (Author)English11
Only a little beyond, Only a little beyondEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Only a little wayside springEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Only a little while, courage, sad heartEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Only a pair of sparkling eyesE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Only a pleasant eveningE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Only a smile, 'tis but little, we knowEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Only a song for Jesus, A simple "Gospel Song"E. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Only a sunbeam, yet how it brightensEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Only a word from the book of truthE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Only coming to JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Only for Jesus, the lives He has givenEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Only in thee, blessed LordEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Only Jesus, blessed JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Only little buildersEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Only the blood can for sin atoneEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Only to follow, day by dayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Only to love Him, this is the testE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Onward now, rejoicingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Onward, rejoicing, marching in the lightE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Onward, soul, through sun and rainEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Onward still, and upwardE. E. Hewitt (Author)English24
Onward, upward, in the King's highwayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Onward will I journey, through life's rain or shineE. E. Hewitt (Author)English11
Open doors before usEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Open the windows of heaven, O Lord, And be a rich blessing outpouredEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Open your hearts to the sunshine of loveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Others are happy in Jesus tonightEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Our banner to the breezes flingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Our dear Bible verses, how brightly they shineEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Our Father God, Thy voice we hearE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Our hopes, like the roses, may wither and dieEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Our present help, O God, art Thou!E. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Out in the breakers are perishing soulsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English33
Out in the conflict, pressed by temptationE. E. Hewitt (Author)English11
Out in the wide world, out in its strifeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Over in the sunshineE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Over the land sounds the gospel callE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
Over the mountain, over the valleyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Over the river, hangs a cloud so dark and drearEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English6
Over the river, our loved ones waitEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Over vale and mountainE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Over yonder's a city of marvelous lightEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Patter, patter, little feetE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Peace, like a river, is flowing todayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Peace, said the MasterEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Peaceful the wondrous nightE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Peacefully resting, dear Savior, in TheeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Plant roses, sweet roses in passing alongE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Plant the banner of the cross on the hilltops of our landE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Praise God, we'll see the friends we loveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Praise Him for His glory, praise Him for His graceE. E. Hewitt (Author)English13
Praise Him, little children in life's morning glowEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Praise him, O praise him! The golden harps are ringingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Praise Him, praise Him, in the heights of blessingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Praise Him, praise Him, praises to our FatherEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Praise Him, twinkling stars on highE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Praise, joyful praise, Holy Father, to TheeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English7
Praise the King of glory, He is God aloneEliza Edmunds Hewitt (Author)English1
Praise the Lord for His salvation, Sing His mercies full and freeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Praise the Lord for his condemnationE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
Praise the Lord in joyful numbersE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Praise the Lord, O come, with exultationEliza E. Hewitt (Author)4
Praise the Lord, the God of mercyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Praise the Lord, who made the skyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Praise the Lord, who reigneth on highE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Praise the Lord, whose love befriending usE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Praise the Lord with a song of rejoicingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Praise the Lord with delight, In anthems of loveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Praise to God, our Father, let us all rejoiceE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Praise to Him who loves us with everlasting loveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Praise to Thee, Jehovah, JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Praise to Thee, our FatherMiss Eliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Praise ye the Lord, angels of lightE. E. Hewitt (Author)English6
Praise ye the Lord, while harps of glory ringE. E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Praise ye the Lord, ye angels brightE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Precious is the Christ who cameEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Precious lessons, precious lessons we are learningEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Precious words to Christians sweetE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Precious yea far more precious than jewelsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Press down and running overEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Press onward heirs of gloryEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Pressed and running overEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Proclamemos nosso CristoEliza Edmunds Hewitt (Author)Portuguese2
Purple mist upon the mountainsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Put your hand to the ploughE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
Que bendita, que gloriosa luz!E. E. Hewitt (1851-1920) (Author)Portuguese2
Quiero de Cristo más saber, Más de su amor para salvarE. E. Hewitt (Author)Spanish3
Quiero de Cristo más saber, Más de su dulce amor tenerE. E. Hewitt (Author)Spanish4
Quiero seguir el andar del MaestroE. E. Hewitt (Author)Spanish3
Rain and sunshine, night and morningE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Raindrops are fallingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Rally for the Master, Soldiers brave and trueE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Ready, ready, fields to the harvest are whiteE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
Ready to meet the foe, steadily on we goE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
Rejoice and sing, the Lord is King, let all the earth be gladEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Rejoice in your mission, O child of the KingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Rejoice, rejoice, the wilderness shall bloomE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Rejoice ye with singing, who trust in the LordEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Rejoicing evermore in our hopes laid up aboveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Remember all the way in which thy God hath led theeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Remember at ChristmasEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Remember it is JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Remember just beyond the screenEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Remember when leaving God's temple belowEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Rest, weary heart, for Jesus bids thee restEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Rest, weary heart, in sweet contentE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Resting, sweetly resting in the "everlasting arms"Eliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Rich and golden blessings are always on the wingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Riches unsearchable, riches divineE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Ring abroad the joyful message of redeeming loveE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
Ring all the bells, the gospel bellsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Ring it out, sing it out, all the world aroundEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Ring on, ye chiming Easter bellsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Ring out a song of gladnessE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Ring out the grand old word againE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Ring out the name of JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Ring out your bells, sweet liliesEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Ring the merry, merry Christmas bellsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English6
Ring, ye bells of joy, salvation's precious storyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Ring, ye bells of joy, the happy Easter storyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Ringing out the joy note from a thankful heartE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Ringing, ringing, sweetly ringingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Rise and follow JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Rock-a-bye baby, rock-a-bye dearEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English8
Roll it off on JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Room enough at Calvary, 'neath the crimson flowEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Roses bright and snowflakes whiteE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Roses in the garden, daisies by the wayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
رتلوا حب يسوعE. E. Hewitt (Author)Arabic1
Sabbatglocken läuten, o so süß und reinEliza E. Hewitt (Author)German1
Sabbath bells are chiming, O so sweet and clearEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Safe in the keeping of Jesus my KingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Sagt der Tochter Zion heut an allen EndenEliza E. Hewitt (Author)German1
Sailing sailing every dayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Salute them young AmericaEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Salvation at the savior's crossEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Saved and kept by Jesus, He will cleanse the soulE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Saved by the blood of the Crucified One (Hewitt)E. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Saved to save others ring out the gladEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Saved to serve the masterEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Savior, give Thy grace to meEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Savior, hold me close to TheeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Savior, I will praise TheeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Savior, in whose name I prayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English9
Savior, keep us in Thy sideEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Savior, keep us till we meet againE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Savior, lead us to Thy crossEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Savior, make me all Thine ownEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Savior may Thy gentle handEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Savior, my life is Thine, receive me nowE. E. Hewitt (Author)English7
Savior, my life, my all, Thou wilt not leave me ready to hear my callE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Savior Thou didst die for meE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Savior, we seek for Thy blessingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Savior, bless us from aboveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Savior, blessed Savior, tell me where to goE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Savior, help us in our weaknessE. E. Hewitt (Author)English7
Savior, I belong to Thee, nevermore my own to beE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Savior, take me in Thine armsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Savior, we come to Thee, in lowly prayerE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Savior, when my foes assailE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Scattering the seed, the precious, precious seedE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Schnell entflieht mir die Zeit und die Tage vergehnE. E. Hewitt (Author)German2
Search the scriptures dailyE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
Secure in His keeping, who guideth my wayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
See the dear Savior on Calvary's treeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
See the love beams shining from the Savior's faceEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Seedtime and harvest since time beganE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Seeing Jesus only as my great High PriestE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Seek things worth while, strength as thy dayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Seek to be a blessing, while the moments flyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Seek ye first the kingdom, not the things of the earthEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English17
Seek ye the Book, the dear old BookE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Seeking for thee in wonderful loveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Seeking the Lord of GloryE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Seeking the Master in faith and loveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Seeking Thy blessing, O Lord, I comeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Seelen noch sind in dem Joch heidnischer NachtEliza E. Hewitt (Author)German1
Seest thou, sailor, a glory afarE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Send me forth, dear SaviorE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Send out the blessed Bible through the land we loveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Send out the messengers over the seaEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Send out the search light in sin's stormy nightEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Send out the truth, send out the lightE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Send the Bible over land and seaEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Send the bread that came from heaven to the wanderers far awayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Send the glad message afarEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Send up a prayer in the morning's bright blushE. E. Hewitt (Author)5
Seraphic hosts, before the throneEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Serve the Lord with gladness, For His joy is strenthEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Set high the measure of your faith: the word of God is trueE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
She hath done what she could, and the lovely perfumeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Shepherd of Israel, Holy and blestE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Shine forth, shine forth, O children of the Light!E. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Shining in the morningEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Shoulder to shoulder, pressing on with prayerEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Shout, for the Lord hath given you the cityE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Simple faith in JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Sin cesar siempre pienso en la tierra mejorEliza E. Hewitt (Author)Spanish1
Since Christ by His Spirit hath entered my soulE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Since eternal life is mineEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Since I came to Jesus, I'm no more aloneEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Since my heart I opened to the heavenly DoveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Since on my Savior I believedEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Since the Comforter came, kindling love's holyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Since the Comforter has come, every door is opened wideE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Sing a hymn of gladness, sing it everywhereEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Sing a pretty story, how a tree grows upE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Sing, all ye people, come with songs of gladnessEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Sing away the shadowsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Sing glad praises to our Savior KingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Sing in happy measures of our Father's loveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Sing, O my soul for gladnessEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Sing, O ye people, sing of the SaviorE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Sing of the cross, the wondrous crossE. E. Hewitt (Author)English8
Sing on through sunny days (Chorus)E. E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Sing sweetly, happy childrenEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Sing the good [glad] tidings of mercyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Sing the joyful tidingsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Sing the love of Jesus, Everlasting loveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Sing the sweetest song of all, it will gladden troubled heartsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Sing the wondrous love of Jesus, Sing His mercy and His grace (Hewitt)Eliza E. Hewitt (Author)English303
Sing to the Lord, to God our FatherEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English6
Sing we the Savior's powerE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Sing with me in joyful measureE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Sing, ye happy children, sing with gladnessE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Singing I go along life's road (Chorus)E. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Singing in the shadows, singing in the lightEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Singing in the spirit, joy shall wing the notesEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Singing in the sunshine of our Father's blessingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Singing of Jesus, happy refrainEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Singing the love of Jesus day by dayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Sleep, birdies in you downy nestEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Sleep, little lambs, beneath the lightE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Smiles for the weary, smiles for the sadE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Smiles like sunbeams, light the dayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
So great is the work we are given to doE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
So great, so wondrous is the loveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Soft shadows are fallingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Soldiers of Christ, press onEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Soldiers of Jesus, be strong in the LordE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Soldiers of King Jesus, haste awayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Soldiers of King Jesus, raise the shout againEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English14
Some blessed morning, the sky will be clearE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Some little work for JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Someone is knocking, I hear the soundE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Some one is shipwrecked on life's stormy seaE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Some one needs the sunshine sparkling on your wayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Somebody here needs a kind, loving friendEliza E. Hewitt (Author)1
Somebody here needs Jesus todayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Someone must carry a smiling faceEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English6
Something more of Jesus, I must learn todayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Something whispers, can it be (Chorus)E. E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Something whispers in my soulE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Sometime the clouds shall fleeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Sometimes on stormy watersEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Sometimes the way is tryingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Sometimes, to my heart comes a vision of joyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Sometimes we grope 'mid the shadows of painE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Sometimes we sigh as days go byEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Songs, glad and cheeryEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Songs of deliverance let us singE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Souls are wandering in the nightE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
Sounding through the stillness of the starry nightEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Sowing beside all waters Whoso the word believesE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Sowing the seed of the kingdom, sowing the seed by the wayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Speak bright words for JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Speak, dear Lord, Thy servant hearsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Speak for Jesus, He hath touched youE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Speak up boldly, fellow soldierEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Speed on thy way, O thou angel of timeE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
Speed, speed the happy day now marching on its wayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Speed thee, Christian, sweetly cheer theeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Spread the sunshine of joyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Spring is coming o'er the hillEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Springtime fair, everywhereEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Stand fast in the faith, all ye people of GodE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Standing fast for JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Standing for the homes we loveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Star of beauty, Bethlehem's starE. H. Hewitt (Author)English5
Steht fest vor dem Feinde, begegnet ihm kühnE. E. H. (Author)German2
Stellet frisch die Teller aufE. E. Hewitt (Author)German1
Stepping heavenward day by dayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Stepping stones to JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English8
Still out of Christ, thy bark adriftEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Strong though the evil entrenched may beEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Summer makes our gardens fair with blushing rosesE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Summer's bright blossoms welcomeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Sunshine girls and sunshine boysE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Sunshine in the morning, sunshine in the nightE. E. Hewitt (Author)English6
Sweet peace is my portion, my gift from aboveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Sweet Rose of Sharon, shed thy fragrance hereE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Sweet songs from yonder hills of gloryE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Sweet words over-arching mercy's doorEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Sweeter than the woodland echoesE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Sweetly resting in my SaviorE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Swell the grand song of the Easter-tideE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Swiftly, so swiftly, the years roll alongE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Swiftly speeds the hour we must partEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Tacks'gelsens offer vi bringa med froejdEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Take a look at the crossEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Take a promise with youE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Take courage, believer, and press on thy wayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Take courage, my brother, press steadily onE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Take hold and help, ye Christian menE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Take the cup of salvationEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Take the helping hand of Jesus, as you plod along the wayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Take the higher path to gloryE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Take up thy cross and follow me, The blessed Master saidE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Take wings to thy soulE. E. Hewitt (Author)3
Talk it over with the MasterE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Tell it, every gentle breezeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Tell it to others, the story of JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Tell Jesus about it, the sin that besets theeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Tell me his name again—wonderful name!E. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Tell me of Jesus, the Savior of menEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Tell the good news of the kingdomE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Tell the sweet story wherever you goEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Tell the whole wide world of JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English7
Tell the wondrous story of the Lord's delivering mightE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Telling the story of JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Tempt me not with worldly pleasuresEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Tender Savior, bless thy childEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Tender Savior, by whose childhoodEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Tengo gozo en mi alma hoyE. E. Hewitt (Author)Spanish2
Thank God for the fountain, so precious, so freeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Thank God for the fountains, the life-giving rillsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Thank God, there's a blessed comfort for weary hours of painE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Thanks be to God for the joys that surround usE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Thanks to Thee, our heavenly Father, Glory, honor, might and powerEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
That grand word, whosoever, is ringing through my soulEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English39
The aid you might render to someoneEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
The angels sang one starry nightEliza Edmunds Hewitt (Author)English12
The battle is on; with our colors flyingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The beautiful morning has dawned on the soulEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The Bible is the book I needE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The birds in sweet chorus are singing awayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The blessed old banner, the banner of our King!E. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The boys and girls for Jesus, the children's blessed FriendEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The call "come up higher," is ringing out stillEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English5
The children are coming to Jesus todayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
The children long ago Sang hosannasE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
The children of the King are rejoicingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
The children were joyfully singingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The crimson glories of the westEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The cross, the cross, it calls to one and allE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
The dear Christmas storyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
The dear little birds are as glad as can beEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
The dear old story of a Savior's loveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English13
The earth is gay with flowers todayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The Father's door is open wideEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
The gay little bluebirds are singing againEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The God of all grace is my strength and my songE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The God who led His people through the parted seaEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
The golden light is streaming from smiling skies of blueEliza Edmunds Hewitt, 1851-1920 (Author)English3
The "Good Shepherd" sought for one lost sheepEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
The gospel message sounds abroadE. E. Hewitt (Author)3
The heavenly Father calls for theeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English7
The heavenly Shepherd knows his ownEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
The joy of His salvation, O happy, happy themeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The joy of His salvation, that's the joyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The legions of the Sunday school are marching on todayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The light of the gospel, the sunshine of loveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The light that shines this moment will never shine againE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
The little birds are singing for JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The little birds have come againE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
The little lambs are friskingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
The little lambs in pastures fairEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The little trees are growingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
The living fount is flowing nowEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The Lord has need of workers, to till His field todayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English20
The Lord hath made this world of oursEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English15
The Lord hath made us joyfulEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
The Lord hath set up His sweet kingdom of peaceE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The Lord is faithful to His precious wordEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
The Lord is good and full of graceE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The Lord who died on Calvary's sideE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
The love of God to sinners, His "everlasting love"E. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The Master is calling for someone todayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
The Master now is callingE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
The mountain path is rough and steepE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
The murmuring summer breezeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The music springs within my heartEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The night's dim, purple shadowsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
The old gospel story we're telling againE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The promises how preciousL. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
The reapers are gladly singingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The road we must travel is sometimes rough and steepEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The robin and bluebird have told usE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The robin's carol gay and sweetE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The roses, sweet roses, are telling the storyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)4
The Sabbath bells are ringing, They call us anto prayerEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
The Savior calls to you and meE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
The seasons come, the seasons goEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The shades of night will pass awayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
The shadows of evening will fall by and byEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
The shadows of time flee before the great dawnEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English9
The Shepherd is calling, O list to His voice!Eliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The Shepherd is crossing the mountains todayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The spear and the thorn by the Savior were borneEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
The Spirit calls; grieve Him no moreE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The Spirit is gently pleadingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English7
The summer is coming, the honeybees hummingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The sunny streams and fountainsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)1
The sunset was tinting the skyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
The trusting heart to Jesus clingsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English43
The twilight falls serene and stillE. E. Hewitt (Author)4
The virgins all were sleepingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
The voice of thanksgiving we cheerfully raiseE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
The way grows brighter every dayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
The way to heaven is a blood stained wayE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
The wheat and the tares grow togetherEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
The whole world needs the gospelEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English9
The wise men of old saw a beautiful starEliza Edmunds Hewitt (Author)English3
The word of my Father is assurance sweet to meEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
The world is full of evil, and the fight is onEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
The world, with siren voice, Would oft my soul allureE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
There are fountains never failingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)5
There are ringing hallelujahs in my grateful heart todayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There are songs of holy raptureEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There are souls, perishing souls, over the seaE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
There are sunbeams of joy that our Father bestowsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There is a blessed secretE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There is an hour when God invitesE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There is Bethlehem, put a light thereEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There is fulness of joy in the presence of the KingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There is joy among the angels, there's a mighty shout of raptureE. E. Hewitt (Author)English16
There is nothing too hard for the Savior to doE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There is plenty in Jesus, enough and to spareE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There is power in Jesus' blood to make me white as snowE. E. Hewitt (Author)5
There is rest, sweet rest, at the Master's feetEliza E. Hewitt, 1851-1920 (Author)English71
There is room at the fountain of mercyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
There is room in the fold of the ShepherdEliza Edmunds Hewitt (Author)English3
There is sunshine in my soul today, More glorious and brightEliza E. Hewitt, 1851–1920 (Author)English360
There stands upon the landing placeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
There'll be music over Jordan, such as ear hath never heardE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a balm for every sorrow, there's a rose for every thornE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a beautiful home, and no shadow of nightEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a blessed river, flowing from the throneE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a blessing abundant in JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
There's a blessing for me, when my Savior I seeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
There's a bright new hope in my heart todayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a brighter side to troubleEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
There's a church in the valley by the wildwoodE. E. H. (Author)English1
There's a city, I'm told, built of jasperE. E. Hewitt (Author)3
There's a cleansing stream, and it flows for allE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a clear fountain flowingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English15
There's a country that is ever bright and fairEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
There's a cross in the lifeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
There's a foe we must resistE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a Friend that's closer than a brotherEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
There's a gladness in the sunshineE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a glorious Savior for you and for meE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a glory side to the cloud we fearEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English8
There's a golden ray through the falling rainE. E. Hewitt (Author)English6
There's a happy, happy song that is singing through my soulE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a happy land beyond, where bright angels ever singEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a heaven in the heart, when salvation we knowEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a heavenly voice that whispersE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a hope that glows before meE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a joy beyond allEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
There's a joy set before thoseEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
There's a land beyond the billows, where the roses never dieEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
There's a land of beauty where our Savior swellsE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
There's a land of peace and glory (Hewitt)E. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a land of which we read in the book of truth divineE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a light above, there are smiles of loveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English6
There's a light in the cloud hanging over the wayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a light in the darknessE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a light in the window of the home aboveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a light on clouds of sadnessEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English5
There's a little cottage nestling underneath the maple treesEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
There's a little robin singingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
There's a monster in our landEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a pardon full and sweetEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English29
There's a place for me at the Savior's crossE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
There's a promise for the contriteEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a promise full of gladnessEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
There's a promise given by the heavenly KingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
There's a rift in the cloudsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)7
There's a Rose whose beauty brightens every dutyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a rustling in the treetops, there's a cloud upon the skyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
There's a shipwreck on the oceanEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
There's a song in my heart that will ring evermoreE. E. Hewitt (Author)3
There's a song of gladness in my soul today, For the fountain flowing takes my sin away (Hewitt)E. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a song of hope like a chime of bellsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a spring of joy unfailingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
There's a star ever shining for pilgrims todayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a stream whose healing flowE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a sun that shinesEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
There's a time of refreshing from the presence of the LordE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a veil that hangs before meE. E. Hewitt (Author)English10
There's a voice soft and gentle, 'tis calling todayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
There's a voice that speaks to allEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
There's a welcome from the Savior for the contrite heart and meekE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a winning side in lifeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
There's a wonderful templeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English7
There's a wondrous light in the darkest nightE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a word for me in the blessed bookEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
There's a word of tender beautyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English42
There's a word we've often heardE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's a work to do in the service trueEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
There's an eye that watches over meEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
There's an eye that's watching over meEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English5
There's an hour which no man knowethE. E. Hewitt (Author)English10
There's blessing abundant in JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
There's blessing at the Savior's crossEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
There's fragrance on the breezeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
There's freedom in Jesus, there's freedom indeedE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's joy for my heart, there is comfort divineE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
There's no better Friend than JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
There's no one like my Savior, No friend can be like HimEliza Edmunds Hewitt (Author)English7
There's no shadow in the valleyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
There's power in the gospel; the same blessed gospelEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
There's power, mighty power in the word of the KingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English13
There's something in my heart that words cannot expressEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
They are gathering there in that city on highEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
They are meeting above, in the home of the blestEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
They are pushing out the life boat, throwing out the lineE. E. Hewitt (Author)English8
They gathered with Jesus, the people of oldEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
They have stepped across the borderEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
They have stepped down before meEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
They shall be comforted, sorrowing heartEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English12
They shall shine as the stars, they who follow the KingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
They shall sing for joyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
They will come to us no moreE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
They're ringing out their chimesEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
This Jesus who came from His home in the skyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English5
This money is for JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
This wonderful story of infinite loveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Though passing clouds will often riseE. E. Hewitt (Author)English6
Though rough the waves and dark the skyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Though the pleasures of earth fade like blossomsE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
Though the seeds which we sow we may water with tearsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Thou art with me, SaviorE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Thou cleansing and transforming FireE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Thou hast died for me, my SaviorEliza E. Hewitt (Author)4
Thou, who in humilityE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Though beneath the drifting snowEliza Edmunds Hewitt (Author)English2
Though my sins like scarlet areEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Though of sinners I'm the chiefEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Though sins come up before meE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Through joy and sorrow, smiles and tearsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Through scenes of joy or sorrowEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Through storm and sunshine, light and shadeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Through the grace of our RedeemerEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Through the rosy gates of summerE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Throughout the Bible runs a threadE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
Tiernas canciones alzad al SeñorE. E. Hewitt (Author)Spanish1
Till det h'rliga land med min tanke jag gaarEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Time hurries onward with fast flying feetE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Time may tarnish earthly treasuresE. E. Hewitt (Author)4
Tiny notes of musicE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Tiptoe, tiptoe off to bedE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
'Tis a good work, grand work, this of winning soulsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English8
'Tis a wonderful story (Hewitt)Eliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
'Tis best, like moonbeams tenderEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
'Tis better to smile in the sunshineE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
'Tis but a simple little word; I've heard it over and overE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
'Tis here the Christian armorEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
'Tis just the same old gospelEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
'Tis now in part I know His graceE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
'Tis sweet to confess Him, our Master and GuideE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
'Tis the happy Christmas timeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
'Tis the mighty Rock of Ages that's beneath my feet todayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
To aid each other and befriendEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
To aid the cause of Christ our LordE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
To all who believe and Jesus receiveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
To praise the Lord our God, Let everybody singE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
To radiant hills I lift mine eyesEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
To the blessed work before usEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
To the blest retreat of the mercy seatE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
To the waters of life take the vessel of prayerE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
To the weary and the sadEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Todos juntos de Jesús cantemosEliza E. Hewitt (1851-1920) (Author)Spanish2
Toil on, trust on, working for the MasterEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Too long have I wandered, too long roamed afarE. E. Hewitt (Author)English16
Travel on with a songEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Treuer Heiland, höre du mein Fleh'nE. E. H. (Author)German2
Treuer Hirt, der Seine HerdeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)German2
Treulich zu folgen dem liebenden JesuE. E. Hewitt (Author)German1
Trust, and be of cheer, for the Lord is nearE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Trust in Jesus, blessed JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Trust in Jesus, trembling soulE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, Hope from His mercy borrowE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Trust the Lord, for He never can fail usE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Trust the precious promiseE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Trust, trust the Lord, though in sadnessE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Trusting along from day to dayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Trusting Jesus as I goEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Trusting Jesus, 'tis the wayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Trusting on, though clouds may shadow the pathE. E. Wewitt (Author)2
Trusting thy way unto the LordE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Try a little more prayer, as you press on the wayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Trying to walk in the steps of the SaviorLidie H. Edmunds (Author)English177
Turn a new leaf for me, Father, I prayEliza Edmunds Hewitt (Author)English9
'Twas in an upper chamberEliza E. Hewitt (Author)4
Two builders are at work todayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Unconditional surrenderEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Under the dear old starEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Under the shade of the forestEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Unfold in beauty flowers of springE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Unto the uttermost O what a songE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Up and be doing, O friends of the King!E. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Up and down the farmer goesE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Up, up, up, the little flowers are growingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Uphold me, Savior, by Thy handE. E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Uplift every valley, the sunlight to shareE. E. Hewitt (Author)English6
Upon the hills I wanderedEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Upward, ever upward, Glad allegiance bringE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
"Upward, growing upward," say the blooming flowersE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Use me, blessed SaviorE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Use us as channels, blessed LordEliza E. Hewitt (Author)4
Veiled is the future before meEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English7
Vertrau' auf Gott von HerzensgrundEliza E. Hewitt (Author)German1
Very little tots are weEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Victory bells are ringing over the land we loveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Vöglein singen, Glocken klingenE. E. Hewitt (Author)German2
Voices to us are callingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Vorwärts, haltet Schritt, junge Streiter für den HerrnEliza E. Hewitt (Author)German1
Waiting by the waysideE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Wake the song of gladnessE. E. Hewitt (Author)English6
Walking in the sunshine of the Master's faceEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Walking with Jesus in fellowship sweetEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Wandering in the wildernessE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Watch and pray day by dayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Watchman! tell us of the nightE. E. Hewitt (Author)English1
We are camping toward the sunrise in the army of the KingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
We are children of the kingdomEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English6
We are faithful, earnest sowers, scattering seed along the wayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
We are going home to glory, we are on the shining wayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
We are just as happy as the birdsEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
We are little soldiers of the King aboveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
We are marching alongEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
We are marching onward, 'Tis the King's commandE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
We are marching, we are marching on with gladnessEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
We are only humble sowers scattering seeds along the wayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
We are singing, ever singingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
We are singing on the way, to a blessed land of dayL. H. Edmunds (Author)English4
We are soldiers of the Lord, pressing onward at His wordEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
We are temperance soldiers, stepping in to lineEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
We are the flower committeeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
We are toiling on, oft in barren fieldsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
We are very glad we've heardE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
We come to our Savior in childhood's bright daysE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
We find in the valley of BacaEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
We gather Lord around thy feetEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
We gather on this joyful dayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
We greet the smiling Easter-tideE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
We have come rejoicing in the Father's loveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
We journey on, not knowingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
We know of the life-giving fountainE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
We love the gracious FatherE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
We part for a little, but parting will ceaseEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
We praise Thee, our Father, we worship in gladnessE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
We shall be like Him, O beautiful thought (Hewitt)Eliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
We shall be like Him—blest transformationE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
We shall know as we are known, When the years, unveiled, are shownE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
We shall walk with Him in whiteE. E. Hewitt (Author)English56
We sing amid the trials that we meet along the wayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
We sing His precious nameE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
We sing of salvation, the wonderful themeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
We sing the blessed storyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
We sing to thee, our blessed LordE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
We tell it as we journey toward the mansions built aboveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English12
We watch for the morning, the beautiful dayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
We will work, we will work for the temperance causeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
We wish a happy birthday, To you our little friendEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English7
We wonder why the leaves must fallE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Weavers are we at a wonderful loomEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Welcome, royal hearted Summer, crowned with beauty, light and flowerEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Welcome the Sabbath, sweet day of restE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Welcome to our numberE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Welcome, welcome, sunny hoursEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English5
We'll do what we can, the daisies all sayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
We'll follow Jesus in the wayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
We'll forget the toil in the noonday heatE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
We'll never strike our colors when we're fighting for the rightEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
We'll take no half way measuresE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
We'll testify for Jesus, we'll take the witness standEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
We'll work for Jesus todayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Wenn durch Salems PerlentoreE. E. Hewitt (Author)German2
We're a band of pilgrims, guided by our KingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
We're a band of pilgrims on life's upward wayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
We're banded now together, a blessed work to doEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
We're borne along the waves of timeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English8
We're counting the blessings, our joys we recordEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English23
We're little burden bearersE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
We're pressing still onward in the paths of righteousnessE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
We're rounding the cape, the Cape of Good HopeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
We're sailing on the billows of life's tempestuous seaE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
We're sailing, sailing over life's great seaEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English13
We're telling a story so helpfulEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
We've no abiding city hereEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
What a blessed friend is Jesus, what a refuge I have foundEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English6
What a fullness, what a fullnessEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
What a shout the ransomed raiseE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
What a wonderful salvation, For its length and breadth and heightE. E. Hewitt (Author)English23
What are the words that we must say?E. E. Hewitt (Author)English1
What are you doing for Jesus, Dear friend, today?E. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
What can I do for this brother of mineE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
What have you done as the days have sped byEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English5
What is little birdie singingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
What joy in Jesus we have foundEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
What lamp do you bear, little pilgrimEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
What praises shall I renderEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
What sayest thou of Jesus?E. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
What shall I do with Jesus? I hear His pleading voiceEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
What though a cloud should sweep over your skyE. E. Hewitt (Author)5
What though sometimes the briarsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
What will you do in the swelling of JordanEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
What would life be without Jesus? How meet the tempter each hourE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Whatever Jesus tells me is the thing to doE. E. Hewitt (Author)English6
Whatever joys engross youEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English8
Whatsoever burden presses on thy heartE. E. Hewitt (Author)English6
When a contrite sinner to the Lord I cameE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
When a poor sinner I come to the throneE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
When at Calvary, bending lowE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
When bearing my burden in sadnessEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
When fades the rosy sunset lightEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
When faith looks up to Him who died, and lives beyond the skyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
When far away, remember meEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
When first my Savior's voice I heardE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
When humble and contrite, I come to the LordEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
When I battle with temptationE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
When I come, a burdened sinner, to the mercy-seat on highE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
When I enter that beautiful city on highE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
When I follow Christ my SaviorEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
When I look into the face of Jesus E. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
When I think of how he loved meEliza E. Hewitt (Author)4
When I walk through the valley of the shadowE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
When I walk with Jesus, all along life's wayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
When I'm grieving over the blundersEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
When I'm sad and heavy ladenEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English8
When Jesus called the little onesE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
When Jesus comes in, there's cleansing from sinE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
When Jesus left his rocky tombEliza Edmunds Hewitt (Author)English4
When Jesus was a little child, His life was pure and trueE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
When looking over life's storyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
When on clouds of glory Jesus comes againEliza Edmunds Hewitt (Author)English4
When on the cross, my Savior died, And opened there salvation's tideE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
When our pleasant birthdays comeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
When sin's heavy burden weighs down on your soulEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
When the autumn sun is setting, and the yellow harvest moonE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
When the clouds are hanging low, look beyond, look beyondE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
When the clouds gather darkly around youEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
When the clouds shall overshadow every smiling earthly sceneE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
When the cold breath of sorrow blights our joysEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English11
When the flowers arising from the groundE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
When the harvest is gathered from the hillside and plainE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
When the heart is stayed on JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
When the Lord is our treasureE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
When the Lord shall come in glory on the Coronation DayH. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
When the Master comes in gloryEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
When the pearly gates are opened to a [this] sinner saved by graceE. E. Hewitt (Author)English22
When the reapers come rejoicingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
When the sky clear and sunny, fills my way with golden lightE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
When the sky is sparkling with the morning lightEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
When the sky was dark and drearyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
When the stars are clearEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
When the sunset of time fades away in the skyE. E. Hewitt (Author)English7
When the toils of life are over, when the work has been well doneEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
When the wintry winds are blowing, Brightly shines this cheering rayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
When there's darkness in the valleyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
When to the Savior's cross we turnEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
When we come with burdened soulsE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
When we reach our home at lastEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
When with pleasure's rosy lightEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Whenever ills oppress meEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Where high the spreading maple growE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Where there's darkness in the world todayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Wherefore art thou wrapt [wrapped] in slumberE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Wherever Christ leads us he opens the wayE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Wherever I look, wherever I turnEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Whether storm or sunshine waits me, in my time appointedE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
While bearing my burden in sadnessEliza E. Hewitt (Author)4
While Sabbath bells sweetly are ringingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
While the days are swiftlyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
While the flowers areEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
While the Gospel bells are ringingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
While the sky of life is brightE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
While these favored hours are passingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
While wandering afar from the Spirit of graceE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
While we follow Jesus in the homeward wayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
While we swell the ranks, let our march be straightE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
While we wreathe the hollyEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
While you travel onward in the king's highwayEliza E. Hewitt (Author)5
Who can tell the glories of that landEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Who can tell the love of JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)1
Who is this King of GloryE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Who plants along a wayside drearE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Who stands outside the closed doorE. E. Hewitt (Author)English9
Who will be faithful, redeeming the timeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Who will be our Shepherd true?E. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Who will come in faithful consecrationE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Who will do his part with a loyal heartE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
Who will follow Jesus, standing for the rightE. E. Hewitt (Author)English42
Who will labor for the Master, who will sow the precious seed?E. E. H. (Author)English2
Who'll enroll his name in the army of the KingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Why have we wandered from JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Why need we fret and worryEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Why not come at once to JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Why not come to Jesus, while theEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Why stand ye idly gazing toward heaven's blessed heightEliza Edmunds Hewitt (Author)English7
Will I ever see JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Will they know I am coming to join them in gloryEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Will you go to Jesus now, dear friendE. E. Hewitt (Author)English12
Will you join the grand processionEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Will you let the Savior take you by the handE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Will you meet me in the morning, When the shadows pass awayLidie E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Will you not come to the wonderful SaviorE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Will you not undo the door?E. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Willing gifts let the children bringE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Willst du beten zu Gott, deinem Vater und HerrnEliza E. Hewitt (Author)German1
Willst du lichte Pfade geh'n?E. E. Hewitt (Author)German2
Win the world for Jesus, soldiers of the King!E. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Wir senken nie die Fahne in dem Kampf für Recht und PflichtE. E. Hewitt (Author)German2
With hearts of gratitudeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
With joyful hope I look aboveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
With outstretched hands and pleading toneE. E. Hewitt (Author)English10
With self surrender cometh restEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
With sin's heavy burden my heart was oppressedLidie H. Edmunds (Author)English3
With trembling contrition I sought for the gateE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Withdraw not thy hand from the work of the LordE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Witnesses for Jesus, tell His powerEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Witnesses for Jesus, ye who know his powerEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English3
“我必與你同在!”甜美的應許 (“Wǒ bì yǔ nǐ tóng zài!” Tiánměi de yīngxǔ)E. E. Hewitt (Author)Chinese2
我願更多認識基督 (Wǒ yuàn gèng duō rènshí jīdū)E. E. Hewitt (Author)Chinese2
Wohnungen im Vaterland hat bereitet Gottes HandE. E. Hewitt (Author)German1
Wonderful Bible, book of all agesE. E. Hewitt (Author)English6
Wonderful fountain that cleanseth from sinE. E. Hewitt (Author)English11
Wonderful, Lord, thy lowly birthEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Wonderful love that saves my soulEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Wonderful mercy that sought usE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Wonderful place called CalvaryE. E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Wonderful power of my wonderful KingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English14
Wonderful promise, all things are mineE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Wonderful promise, O precious wordEliza Edmunds Hewitt (Author)English3
Wonderful tidings bring, messengers for the KingL. H. Edmunds (Author)English2
Wonderful words of blessingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Wonderful words of salvationEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English1
Wondrous is the story we have gladly heardEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Won't you come and seek salvationE. E. Hewitt (Author)4
Woodland ways are ringingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Work away, with happy heartE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
Work for Jesus as the daysEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Work for Jesus in your home-lifeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Work for the Master, answer His callEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English6
Work for the master, toil for the kingE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
Work, O work, for Jesus, through all the golden hoursE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Work, O work, for Jesus, in His blessed ServiceE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Work on ye servants of the KingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Work watch and pray, O servantEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Workers are all needed hear the master callEliza E. Hewitt (Author)3
Workers of the Sunday school, be strong and trueE. E. Hewitt (Author)2
Working in the vineyard of our risen KingE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
World wide doors for JesusE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Worthy is the Lamb for sinners slainE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
Worthy to be praised is God my FatherE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Wo's noch dunkel heute in der WeltE. E. Hewitt (Author)German2
Would we patiently carry the burdens of lifeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Would you know the sweetnessEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Would you make your lifeEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Would you tread the paths of lightE. E. Hewitt (Author)English5
Wrecker or saver, which shall it beEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Wüsst' ich doch mehr von Jesu ChristEliza E. Hewitt (Author)German3
يا رب عرفني المزيدE. E. Hewitt (Author)Arabic1
Ye are of more value Than many sparrows areEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Ye servants of the KingEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Ye that labor and are heavy laden, come to MeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Ye who know the gladness of redeeming loveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
Yes, hereafter, we shall knowEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
യേ-ശു-വിന്റെ സ്നേഹത്തിനെ പാടി (Yē-śu-vinṟe snēhattine pāṭi)E. E. Hewitt (Author)Malayalam2
Yield not to the tempter, though bold he may beE. E. Hewitt (Author)English4
Yonder beams the land immortalE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
You ask me why I love Him, the Christ of GalileeE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
You have answered the call of the Master aboveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
You know a Savior's loveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
You may have all the world and its pleasuresEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English4
You mean so much to JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
You told me the story of Christ and His loveEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English9
You who know a Savior's loveE. E. Hewitt (Author)English2
You'd better go to JesusEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
Your bark is drifting on a restless seaEliza E. Hewitt (Author)2
You're seeking a blessing, then come to the BlesserEliza E. Hewitt (Author)English2
You're seeking for riches of silver and goldE. E. Hewitt (Author)English3
在我魂間,今天有陽光 (Zài wǒ hún jiān, jīntiān yǒu yángguāng)E. E. Hewitt (Author)Chinese2

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