1 Bright hours in Jesus find;
Sunny hours, happy hours;
His ways are good and kind;
And His light shines through the show’rs.
In our Saviour, there is joy,
When He rules within the heart;
Happy songs our lips employ,
When we choose the better part;
We find in Him alone,
The pleasures earth has never known;
And joy in wondrous love,
Grows brighter till we meet above.
2 Bright hours in service blest,
Sunny hours, happy hours;
Serve Him who loves us best,
Helping us with heav’nly pow’rs. [Refrain]
3 Bright hours in pray’r and praise,
Sunny hours, happy hours;
Till after earthly days,
We arise to fadeless bow’rs. [Refrain]
Source: Jubilate : A Modern Sunday-School Hymnal #100