1 Hear the Master as he bade farewell;
This the message, Christian, go and tell;
Tell the story of his pow’r to save,
Since his life he gave.
Up and doing, at the King’s command,
Ev’rywhere will go the herald band;
Spread the Gospel, spread the Gospel,
Send its light to ev’ry land.
2 Humbly listen to the King’s command,
Bear good tidings now to ev’ry land;
“Unto all the world” his word must go,
Blessing to bestow. [Chorus]
3 Onward marching, at the King’s command,
Hasten, hasten, in a work so grand,
Till the nations see the heav’nly Light—
Know his saving might. [Chorus]
Source: Sunday School Voices, No.2 #150