1 The spear and the thorn by the Saviour borne,
That we might wear crowns of delight;
His garments were red, with the blood that He shed,
That ours might be spotless and white.
He bore a nail in His hand for you,
A nail in His hand for me;
O, wonderful love, that came from above,
To seek and to save you and me!
2 The taunt and the blow, with Gethsemane’s woe,
Were suffered by Him for our sake;
For grace so supreme, guilty souls to redeem,
What off’ring of love shall we make? [Refrain]
3 O, let us believe, life eternal receive,
And serve Him with joy in His name;
Obeying His call, let us yield Him our all,
His Gospel to others proclaim. [Refrain]
Source: Great Revival Hymns No. 2 #9