1 Oh, the heights and depths of love,
Bringing Jesus from above;
Love amazing! can it be
He was crucified for me?
He was crucified for me
On the cross of Calvary;
Thro’ the years my song shall be,
He was crucified for me.
2 Oh, the wonders of His grace,
When He took the sinner’s place!
Grace, eternal, full and free;
He was crucified for me. [Refrain]
3 Since ‘tis by His death I live,
Let me all to Jesus give,
His forevermore to be;
He was crucified for me. [Refrain]
4 He will keep me ev’ry hour,
By His all-victorious pow’r,
Till His beauty I shall see;
He was crucified for me. [Refrain]
Source: Progressive Sunday School Songs #129