1 Come, longing Christian, lose your fear,
The promise is to you;
The Master bids you be of cheer,
The promise is to you.
The promise is to you,
The promise is to you;
Don’t you need it?
Won’t you plead it?
The promise is to you.
2 Your all upon the altar lay,
The promise is to you;
A living sacrifice today,
The promise is to you. [Refrain]
3 Be this your pentecostal hour,
The promise is to you;
Receive the Holy Ghost and power,
The promise is to you. [Refrain]
4 His fire shall all your dross consume,
The promise is to you;
His light your every step illume,
The promise is to you. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Love and Praise No. 4 #109