1 Lift our banner high,
Lift our banner high!
Free as air itself, let its colors fly!
‘Tis the blood-bought flag
Of the brave and true;
Bless its stripes and stars, bless its field of blue.
Lift it high,
Lift it high,
For which heroes fought, for which heroes die;
Lift it high,
Lift it high,
‘Tis the noblest flag beneath the bending sky.
2 ‘Tis the flag we guard,
‘Tis the flag we love;
We will lift a prayer to our God above,
That His army may save,
That His word may guide,
And His peace and truth, with our land abide. [Refrain]
3 Lift our banner high!
Let us faithful be
To its waving folds, sing of Liberty;
Let no stain of sin
Mar its beauty bright;
May our nation’s pride be the love of right. [Refrain]
Source: Gospel Herald in Song #112