1 I once was a sinner, afar from the Lord,
Afar from the cross of Calvary;
His goodness and mercy the wand’rer restored,
And Jesus saved me.
O glory hallelujah! I’m a sinner saved by grace,
I’ll sing beside the crystal sea,
That He saw me far away, and loved me tho’ astray,
And Jesus saved me.
2 I once was a captive in bondage to sin;
The mighty Redeemer set me free;
His grace is sufficient the vict’ry to win,
And Jesus saves me. [Refrain]
3 I meet with temptation, and trials are mine,
But looking to Him the shadows flee;
He gives me in trouble His comfort Divine,
And Jesus keeps me. [Refrain]
4 Beyond the dark valley, transform’d by His grace,
The King in His beauty I shall see;
And sing while beholding the light of His face,
That Jesus saved me. [Refrain]
Source: New Songs of Praise and Power 1-2-3 Combined #190