1 To the blessed work before us,
Let us rally once again,
Rally with a joyful chorus,
With a hopeful, glad refrain!
For the Master still is near us;
Let us labor at His side;
He will help us, he will cheer us,
And our willing footsteps guide.
Rally, rally,
The Master’s call is sounding, “come!”
Rally, rally,
In our happy Sabbath Home.
2 Precious seed must we be sowing,
As the months shall glide away;
We must watch the harvest growing
For the wondrous reaping day.
In our hearts we’ll store the treasure
Of the holy Words of Truth,
And with overflowing measure,
Scatter blessing in our youth. [Refrain]
3 ‘Tis a blessed work before us,
‘Twill ennoble every hour;
Love’s bright banner floating o’er us,
Christ, our never-failing power.
Holy Spirit, lead us ever,
In this service of delight,
Till we all, “beyond the river,”
In the harvest song unite. [Refrain]
Source: Uplifted Voices: a 20th century hymn book for sunday-schools and devotional meetings #104