1 Just when I need him, Jesus is near,
“Mighty to save me,” ready to cheer;
Giving sweet comfort when I am sad,
Making me thankful when I am glad.
Just when I need him, praise to his name!
Here every moment, always the same;
Just when I need him, all my life long,
Jesus my Saviour, my strength and my song.
2 Just when I need him; light for the way,
Heav’nly manna, guidance today;
Fresh springs arising from the dry ground,
Grace that will freely, richly abound. [Refrain]
3 Just when I need him, prompting the thought,
Blessing the service trustfully wrought;
Patience in trial, vict’ry in strife,
Ever beside me—wonderful life. [Refrain]
4 Just when I need him, crossing the tide,
He will be with me, close at my side;
Safe in his keeping, joy shall be mine,
Seeking before me glory divine. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Christian Service #41