1 Yonder beams the land immortal,
Rich in glories still untold;
Gleams with pearl each shining portal,
All its streets of purest gold.
Words can ne'er the beauty render
Of this city fair and bright,
Radiant with eternal splendor,
For the Lamb shall be its light.
2 Many jeweled its foundations,
Rainbow tinted are its walls;
Hear the songs of jubilation
Ringing thro' its palace halls.
O, to join those anthems pealing,
With the white-robed throng unite,
Where the Lamb, his face revealing,
Is the everlasting light.
3 Shall we view that city golden?
Like a crystal glowing clear,
Where no joy is e'er withholden,
Where there's never pain nor fear.
If we love and serve the Saviour,
Wholly trust his saving might,
We shall meet the praise forever,
Where the Lamb shall be our light.
Source: Junior Songs: a collection of sacred hymns and songs; for use in meetings of junior societies, Sunday Schools, etc. #46