1 Mighty to save us and strong to deliver,
Jesus, the merciful Savior of men;
His is the pow’r and the glory forever;
Ring out the jubilant watchword again.
Mighty to save and strong to deliver,
Mighty to save, mighty to save;
Mighty to save and strong to deliver,
All who will come thro' His name;
O praise the Lord!
2 Mighty to save us, the poor and the lowly,
Bidding us trust in his wonderful love;
Seeking the lost, he, the High and the Holy,
Left his bright home in the kingdom above. [Chorus]
3 Mighty to save us, the weak and the straying,
Strong to deliver from evil and sin;
Over the vanquished his banner displaying,
Till, by his Spirit, the vict’ry we win. [Chorus]
4 Mighty to save us, O beautiful story!
Over the cross shines the crown of his grace;
Saved for sweet service, we’ll sing of his glory,
Kept by his pow’r till we see face to face. [Chorus]
Source: Pentecostal Hymns Nos. 5 and 6 Combined: a winnowed collection for young people's societies, church prayer meetings, evangelistic services and Sunday schools #38