1 Another song for Jesus,
A hymn of faith and love,
To wing our grateful praises
To glory realms above.
We thank thee, precious Saviour,
For happy hours like this,
For Elim bowers of gladness,
And heaven's exceeding bliss.
Another song for Jesus,
A hymn of faith and love,
To wing our grateful praises
To glory realms above.
2 O let us ever linger
Beside joy's radiant spring,
So pure, so fresh, 'tis flowing
For all who love our King.
How sweet are fleeting pleasures,
When hallowed by his smile!
How rich eternal treasures,
Beyond time's "little while." [Chorus]
3 Another song for Jesus,
A song of love and praise,
And let the blessed music
Reecho thro' life's days.
We'll sing his tender mercies,
Until our voices blend
With those of saints and angels,
Where praises have no end. [Chorus]
Source: Junior Songs: a collection of sacred hymns and songs; for use in meetings of junior societies, Sunday Schools, etc. #158