1 O let us rejoice in the work of the Lord,
The service of Jesus brings blessed reward;
The shadows shall flee from love’s conquering day,
The light of the gospel is winning its way.
Winning its way, winning its way,
Glorious dawn of a better day;
Winning its way, winning its way,
The light of the gospel is winning its way.
2 The mountains are kindling, and soon the bright glow
Will carry the joy to the valleys below;
The King presseth onward, his wheels will not stay,
The light of the gospel is winning its way. [Refrain]
3 The darkness may linger, the night may seem long,
But Christ shall be Victor, right triumph o’er wrong;
We’ll tell the glad story, his bidding obey,
The light of the gospel is winning its way. [Refrain]
4 The moon as the glittering sunlight will shine,
The sun sevenfold in His glory divine;
The sky’s growing radiant with hope’s blushing ray,
The light of the gospel is winning its way. [Refrain]
Source: The Old Story in Song #118
First Line: | O let us rejoice in the work of the Lord |
Title: | Winning Its Way |
Author: | Eliza E. Hewitt |
Language: | English |
Refrain First Line: | Winning its way, winning its way |
Publication Date: | 1899 |
Copyright: | Public Domain |