1 Hear the precious gospel story,
Told to sinners long ago;
O what comfort, O what glory,
From this blessed truth shall flow.
“This is a faithful saying,
This is a faithful saying,
This is a faithful saying,
And worthy of all acceptation,
That Christ Jesus came,
That Christ Jesus came,
That Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.”
2 Now accept this “faithful saying,”
Let it draw you to his feet;
Come to him, no more delaying,
Find in him deliv’rance sweet. [Refrain]
3 All your sins shall be forgiven,
Washed in Calv’ry’s stream today;
All your fetters shall be riven,
All your darkness flee away. [Refrain]
4 Grasp anew this “faithful saying,”
Trusting Jesus, doubt no more;
Pressing onward, watching, praying,
Enter every open door. [Refrain]
5 Freely take the great salvation
Bought upon the cross for you;
Bow the heart in adoration,
Give your life in service true. [Refrain]
Source: Glorious Praise: specially prepared for use in the prayer meeting, the church service, the young people's meetings, the Sunday school, the evangelistic and other religious gatherings #132