1 Jesus is the Refuge, where hides my trusting soul;
He, the Great Physician, who makes the wounded whole;
Jesus is the Shepherded who seeks the wand’ring sheep,
And in His sunny pastures, His flock He’ll safely keep.
Before His precious cross I fall,
And find in Him my All in all;
On Him in ev’ry need I call,
And find in Him my All in all.
2 Jesus is the Brother, for hours of trial born,
He, the blest Consoler, to comfort all who mourn;
Jesus is the Sunshine to brighten ev’ry day,
And He the Guide to lead me along life’s changing way. [Chorus]
3 Jesus is the Captain who conquers in the strife;
He, the mighty Fountain of everlasting life;
Jesus is the Savior who won me by His love;
His presence is the glory of brighter worlds above. [Chorus]
Source: Light and Life Songs: adapted especially to sunday schools, prayer meetings and other social services #186