1 One who died to rescue me,
Such a friend is Jesus;
Took my place and set me free,
Such a friend is Jesus.
Such a friend is Jesus, bless his holy name!
Let me his salvation to the world proclaim;
Such a friend is Jesus, Saviour of my soul;
Unto him be glory while the ages roll.
2 One who gives me vict’ry-pow’r,
Such a friend is Jesus;
Needful grace for ev’ry hour,
Such a friend is Jesus. [Refrain]
3 One who hears me when I pray,
Such a friend is Jesus;
Lifts the heavy load away,
Such a friend is Jesus. [Refrain]
4 One who fills me with his love,
Such a friend is Jesus;
Fits me for the realms above,
Such a friend is Jesus. [Refrain]
Source: Jubilate : A Modern Sunday-School Hymnal #193