1 Out in the breakers are perishing souls,
Save one, save one;
Out where the current of sin madly rolls,
Save one, save one.
Pity the perishing,
Labor and pray;
Hasten to rescue them,
Save one today,
Then in your heart will be heaven begun,
Save one, save one.
2 Out in the darkness of sin’s awful night,
Save one, save one;
Tell them of Jesus, and lead to the light,
Save one, save one. [Refrain]
3 Out on the mountain so sadly astray,
Save one, save one;
From the sweet home land so far, far away,
Save one, save one. [Refrain]
4 Loved ones or strangers, whoe’er they may be,
Save one, save one;
Go in his Spirit who saves you and me,
Save one, save one. [Refrain]
Source: The Old Story in Song Number Two #164