1 Plant roses, sweet roses, in passing along;
A bright smile of kindness, a word or a song,
Will bear a rich fragrance to somebody's heart,
To some weary toiler true comfort impart.
Plant roses, sweet roses in passing along,
Give something to others, a word or a song.
2 Plant roses, sweet roses, for surely enough
Of briars are growing in paths dark and rough;
We'll cast the good seed by the wayside today,
For sunshine and dewfall then trustfully pray. [Chorus]
3 Plant roses, sweet roses, wherever we go,
The least loving service will wondrously grow;
Bring blessing to brighten the lives that we touch
And win from the Master his grand "inasmuch." [Chorus]
4 Plant roses, sweet roses, with glad, willing hands,
Give freely, we know 'tis the Saviour's command;
We'll plant "in his name" seeds of mercy and love,
To blossom forever in gardens above. [Chorus]
Source: Junior Songs: a collection of sacred hymns and songs; for use in meetings of junior societies, Sunday Schools, etc. #68