1 Lift up the joyful voice of praise
To him whose mercy crowns our days;
Let songs of gratitude and love
Ascend to God above.
Bless the Lord, O bless his name!
Repeat the story of his grace, his saving love proclaim!
Bless the Lord, with hearts aflame,
And sing ye glad hosannas to his name.
2 His pard’ning word dispels our fear,
And bids the contrite “be of cheer,”
His loving smile rewards the meek,
Who shall his blessing seek. [Refrain]
3 He kindly hears and answers pray’r,
And at his feet, we drop our care;
The love that shrank not from the cross,
Shall hallow ev’ry loss. [Refrain]
Source: The Service of Praise #93