1 Salvation at the Saviour’s cross,
Salvation great and free,
Eternal life thro’ Him who died,
Is offered you and me;
The way, beginning at the cross,
We’ll joyfully pursue;
It onward leads to mansions bright—
For this old Book is true.
This dear old Book is true,
This dear old Book is true;
Salvation at the Saviour’s cross—
This dear old Book is true.
2 We sing of hope, so strong and sure,
An anchor to the soul;
Of balm that heals the broken heart,
And makes the wounded whole;
Of love that brooks o’er all the world,
As bends the sky’s fair blue;
Almighty, everlasting love—
For this old Book is tree. [Refrain]
3 Thank God, we know this Book is true!
The witness is within;
The Spirit sweetly testifies
That Jesus saves from sin;
Here and hereafter all is well,
We sing His praise anew;
For all who come to Jesus find
This dear old Book is true. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of the Kingdom: prepared for the use of young people's societies and adapter for prayer meetings, Sunday schools and the home #50