1 Jesus saves me; blest assurance,
Whispering within;
Oh, the precious “blood of sprinkling,”
Cleansing from all sin.
Jesus saves me, praise his name forever!
Jesus saves me, saves me even now;
Jesus saves me; his shall be the glory;
Hallelujah! he saves me now.
2 Jesus keeps me; ever watchful
Lest my feet should stray;
Safe upholding while I follow
In the narrow way. [Refrain]
3 Jesus guides me, and his presence
Cheering help bestows,
For he went this way before me,
Ev’ry step he knows. [Refrain]
4 Jesus saves me, keeps me, guides me;
Glory to his name!
Oh, this wonderful salvation,
Kindling love’s pure flame! [Refrain]
Source: Joyful Sound: a collection of new hymns and music with familiar selections #105