1 Forward, ever forward!
Rally one and all;
Hear the Master’s “Onward!”
Like a bugle call,
Making paths of duty
Blossom into beauty,
From the blush of morning
To the even fall.
Forward, ever forward,
Lifting others as we climb!
Forward, ever forward,
While the bells of glory sweetly, sweetly chime.
2 Forward, ever forward!
Trusting love Divine;
Pass the happy watchword
All along the line;
Joyful hearts possessing,
Blest and made a blessing,
Showing other pilgrims
Where the sunbeams shine. [Refrain]
3 Forward, ever forward!
Daily let us rise;
Jesus leading onward,
Nearer to the skies;
Lifting up a brother,
Cheering one another;
Step by step advancing
Tow’rd the starry prize. [Refrain]
Source: Sunshine: songs for Sunday schools #64