1 Look away to the hills, to the beautiful hills,
From whence cometh thy help for the way;
O the Word of his grace—How it comforts and thrills!
For the Lord is thy Keeper today.
Look away to the hills, to the beautiful hills,
Where the Savior is pleading for thee;
Look away to the hills, to the beautiful hills;
For the mists will soon scatter and flee.
2 Look away to the hills, for the morning will break,
That shall fill all the valley with light,
And the lingering clouds shall thy pathway forsake,
For the Lord is thy sunshine so bright. [Refrain]
3 Look away to the hills; there thy dwelling shall be,
When thou hearest the call of the King;
For he'll say, in that hour, Come, ye blessed, to me,
And the harps of the ransomed shall ring. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of the Century #105