1 Praise the Lord with delight,
In anthems of love,
While the morning is bright,
With beams from above,
While a greeting of cheer,
Speaking gently to all:
Do a kindness sincere,
Evening shadows will fall.
2 Serve the Lord with delight,
Spread gladness around;
He will gird you with might,
Make praises resound.
Answer promptly today,
Opportunity’s call,
Ere the light fades away,
Evening shadows will fall.
3 Serve the Lord with delight,
Your neighbor, as well,
In eternity bright,
Your Saviour will tell
That your work was “well done,”
Though your efforts seem small;
Work, while shineth the sun,
Evening shadows must fall.
Source: Jubilate : A Modern Sunday-School Hymnal #129