1 My soul sings glory all the way,
For Jesus took my sins away;
With precious blood they’re covered o’er,
He’ll mention them no more.
My sins are all taken away,
My sins are all taken away;
Oh, glory to His name!
Oh, glory to His name!
My sins are all taken away, taken away.
2 Oh, wondrous grace, so rich and free,
That mentions not my sins to me,
Since Jesus in redeeming love
Brought mercy from above. [Refrain]
3 But since He show such grace tome,
Let not His love forgotten be;
Oh, let my life its tribute bring,
My heart exultant sing. [Refrain]
4 My soul sings glory all the way
To yonder land of cloudless day,
And when I reach that happy shore,
I’ll praise Him evermore. [Refrain]
Source: The Finest of the Wheat No. 2 #44