1 A grateful hush, a peaceful calm,
This is the Lord’s own day;
For weary hearts a healing balm,
This is the Lord’s own day.
This is the day the Lord hath made,
When He his mighty pow’r displayed;
Arising from the grave’s dark shade,
This is the Lord’s own day.
2 Come gladly to the House of Pray’r,
This is the Lord’s own day;
The Friend of sinners meets us there,
This is the Lord’s own day.
Tread softly, this is holy ground,
A gentle radiance shines around;
And richest fruits of grace abound,
This is the Lord’s own day.
3 Lift up the joyful voice of praise,
This is the Lord’s own day;
Sweet rest amid life’s busy ways,
This is the Lord’s own day.
Ring out the notes of jubilee,
The Lord Himself hath made us free;
Then sing with love’s sweet melody,
This is the Lord’s own day.
Source: Gospel Herald in Song #132