1 Come with a song of praise and gladness!
Come to our Father's house of pray'r!
Here will we find a balm for sadness,
Here may we all his blessings share.
Joyful praises sincerely render,
For the numberless blessings we see;
Sing of mercies so mighty and tender,
Of his bounties unmeasured and free
Joyful praises sincerely render,
For the numberless blessings we see;
Sing of mercies so mighty and tender,
Of his bounties unmeasured and free.
2 Wonderful gifts his hand bestowing,
Waking our hearts to joyful praise;
Sunbeams of love, so purely glowing,
Brighten and cheer our passing days. [Chorus]
3 While we uplift a happy chorus,
Let us again his grace proclaim;
Serving the Lord who goes before us,
Minist'ring to his precious name. [Chorus]
4 Faithfully tread the paths of duty,
Jesus himself hath led the way;
Desolate lives shall bloom with beauty,
Comforted hearts shall own his sway. [Chorus]
Source: The Voice of Praise: a compilation of the very best sacred songs for use in Sunday Schools and praise services #172