1 Have we learned the secret of the Christian’s pow’r?
Victory, victory, all the way along;
List’ning and obeying, trusting every hour,
Victory all along through Jesus.
Victory, victory, all the way along,
Lift Immanuel’s banner, marching on with song;
Christ shall keep His kingdom, right shall conquer wrong:
Victory through Jesus, all the way along.
2 By the Word indwelling, “watching unto prayer,”
Victory, victory, all the way along;
Resting, while we serve Him, in His keeping care,
Victory all along through Jesus. [Refrain]
3 Let Him do the planning, let Him use our days,
Victory, victory, all the way along;
Yielding to His Spirit, His shall be the praise;
Victory all along through Jesus. [Refrain]
4 Only “earthen vessels,” His the treasure rare,
Victory, victory, all the way along;
Humbly overcoming—then the mansions fair;
Victory all along through Jesus. [Refrain]
Pentecostal Hymns: Five and Six, 1911 (Timeless Truths)