William Gadsby

William Gadsby
Short Name: William Gadsby
Full Name: Gadsby, William, 1773-1844
Birth Year: 1773
Death Year: 1844

Gadsby, William , was born in 1773 at Attleborough, in Warwickshire. In 1793 he joined the Baptist church at Coventry, and in 1798 began to preach. In 1800 a chapel was built for him at Desford, in Leicestershire, and two years later another in the town of Hinckley. In 1805 he removed to Manchester, becoming minister of a chapel in Rochdale Boad, where he continued until his death, in January, 1844. Gadsby was for many years exceedingly popular as a preacher of the High Calvinist faith, and visited in that capacity most parts of England. He published The Nazarene's Songs, being a composition of Original Hymns, Manchester, 1814; and Hymns on the Death of the Princess Charlotte, Manchester, 1817. In 1814 he also published A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship, appending thereto a large number of his own compositions [Baptist Hymnody, § nr., 2]. The edition of 1882 pub. by his son J. Gadsby contains 1138 hymns, of which 157 are by William Gadsby, and form Pt. ii. of the Selection From his point of view they are sound in doctrine, but have little poetic fervour, and the rhyme is faulty in a large number of instances. Four of these hymns are in Denham's Selection and one in the Selection of J. Stevens. [Rev. W. R Stevenson, M.A. ]

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Wikipedia Biography

William Gadsby (1773–1844) was an English Baptist pastor. In addition to pastoring, Gadsby planted churches, and was an early leader of the Strict and Particular Baptist movement in England. Although he was not formally educated, Gadsby was regarded by his contemporaries as an excellent preacher and pastor who championed the cause of social justice and opposed the established Elizabethan Church. In 1805 he became pastor of Black Lane Chapel, Strict Baptist church in Manchester, England, and held that position until he died.

Texts by William Gadsby (174)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A beggar, vile and base, I comeW. Gadsby (Author)English2
A helpless worm am IW. Gadsby (Author)English2
A limping beggar, clothed in ragsW. Gadsby (Author)English2
A Physician, I learn, abides in this placeW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Again, dear Lord, we would be fedWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
At the birth of Christ our KingW. Gadsby (Author)English3
Before the earth or seas were madeWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
Behold a scene of matchless graceW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Behold, with wondering eyesWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
Beloved of the Lord most highW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Beloved, we are comeWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
Blessed Comforter, appearW. G. (Author)English2
Blessed Jesus, Lord of allW. Gadsby (Author)English2
By nature can no man be justW. Gadsby (Author)English2
By nature, none of Adam's raceW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Call'd to see God's righteous lawWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
Christians, rejoice, and singW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Come, thou now exalted SaviourW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Come, whosoever will, Nor vainly strive to mendW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Creatures are but vain at bestW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Dangerous is the path we goW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Dear Lord, forbid that we should boastW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Election is a truth divineW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Endless blessings on the Lamb!William Gadsby (Author)English2
Faith! 'tis a grace divineWilliam Gadsby (Alterer)English2
Free grace is the joy of my heartWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
Free grace is the theme of my songWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
God is a Father, just and wiseW. Gadsby (Author)English2
God is a Spirit, just and wise, His footsteps who can trace?W. Gadsby (Author)English2
Grace taught our friends to knowWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
Great God! thy kingdom comeWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
Great God, to thee we comeWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
Great God! whose universal powerW. Gadsby (Author)English2
High beyond imaginationsWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
Holy Ghost, we look to theeW. Gadsby (Author)English3
How blest is the man who in Jesus believesW. Gadsby (Author)English2
How condescending and how wiseW. Gadsby (Author)English2
How sweet and precious is the nameWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
I'll speak forth the love of my LordW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Immortal honors rest on Jesus' headWilliam Gadsby, 1773-1844 (Author)English4
In every believer two armies are seenW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Is Jesus my Savior, my Husband, and FriendW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Jehovah God! eternal Lord most high!W. Gadsby (Author)English2
Jehovah is my SunW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Jehovah, the Savior, appearsW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Jesus Christ, the sinner's FriendW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Jesus is a mighty Savior; Helpless souls have here a FriendW. Gadsby (Author)English1
Jesus is my great High PriestW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Jesus is the King of kings, And in him are all my springsW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Jesus is the one thing needfulW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Jesus is the way to GodW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Jesus lived, and loved, and diedW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Jesus, mighty God and SaviorW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Jesus, our exalted SaviourWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
Jesus our heavenly Warrior isW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Jesus, our Lord and King, Thou art our hope and trustW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Jesus the Author isWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
Jesus, the Lord, enthroned on highW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Jesus the Lord is bornWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
Jesus, the Lord is KingW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Jesus, the Lord, my Savior isWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
Jesus, thou art our only restW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Jesus, we thy name adoreW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Let saints lift up their heartsWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
Lord, direct thy own-sent servantWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
Lord, I freely would confessW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Lord, let me feel the unction of thy loveW. G. (Author)English2
Lord, we adore thee, and would fain expressW. G. (Author)English2
Lord, we fain would walk in loveW. Gadsby (Author)English1
Mercy speaks by Jesu’s bloodW. Gadsby (Author)English3
Mighty King, thy power displayW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Mighty to save is Christ the LambW. Gadsby (Author)English2
My soul, rejoice and singWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
My soul shall with wonder proclaimW. Gadsby (Author)English2
My soul with holy wonder viewsW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Now for a song of praiseWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
O my soul, admire and wonderW. Gadsby (Author)English2
O my soul, with wonder tellWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
O! the love of Christ to sinners!W. Gadsby (Author)English2
O the matchless love of GodWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
O thou lovely, loving SviourW. G. (Author)English2
O thou mighty God and SaviourW. Gadsby (Author)English2
O! what matchless condescensionWilliam Gadsby (Author)English3
Of one Lord will we singW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Once more, dear God of graceW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Once more, little children, we are comeW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Pause, my soul! and ask the questionWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
Peculiar are the saintsWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
Poor fearful saint, be not dismay'dWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
Poor sinner, dejected with fearW. Gadsby (Author)English1
Poor sinners, sunk in sin's tremendous cellW. Gadsby (Author)English1
Precious Jesus! Friend of sinners!W. Gadsby (Author)English1
Precious Jesus! here we areW. Gadsby (Author)English1
Precious Jesus, must it beW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Precious Jesus! we adore theeW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Rejoice, and let Christ be thy songW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Rejoice, ye saints, rejoice In Christ, your glorious HeadWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
Return to thy rest, my soul, and rejoiceWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
Salvation! O my soul, rejoiceW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Saved, and saved alone by graceWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
Sin has a thousand pleasing charmsW. Gadsby (Author)English1
Sinners, call'd by grace, and blessedW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Sinners, who on Jesus restWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
Sweet Jesus! how great is thy loveW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Sweet the name of Christ must beW. Gadsby (Author)English1
Thanks be to my Head, the great King of kingsW. Gadsby (Author)English2
The body, the church, ever stoodWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
The Breaker is gone forth in loveWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
The carnal mind takes different waysW. Gadsby (Author)English2
The Father, in eternal loveW. Gadsby (Author)English2
The gospel brings tidings, glad tidings indeedWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
The gospel is good news indeedWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
The gospel's the law of the LambW. Gadsby (Author)English2
The just by faith shall liveW. Gadsby (Author)English2
The law of the Lord is perfect and goodWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
The Lord himself be with you allWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
The Lord is Zion's KingWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
The Lord Jehovah isW. Gadsby (Author)English2
The Lord my Savior is; For me he shed his bloodW. Gadsby (Author)English2
The Lord on high his love proclaimsWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
The Lord proclaims his nameW. Gadsby (Author)English2
The Lord the righteous triesWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
The Lord will feed the poorW. Gadsby (Author)English2
The Lord's my Helper and SupportW. Gadsby (Author)English2
The love of Christ is rich and freeW. Gadsby (Author)English2
The new man and the oldW. Gadsby (Author)English2
The path that Christians treadW. Gadsby (Author)English2
The ransomed of the Lord Shall unto Zion comeWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
The Sabbath was a day of restW. Gadsby (Author)English2
The sinner born of GodWilliam Gadsby (Author)English1
The triune Jehovah we praiseWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
The work of Christ I singWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
The works of God proclaimW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Though we walk through this wildernessWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
Thrice happy are the menW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Truly that poor soul is justWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
Truth and mercy meet togetherWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
Tuned with love divine, we singW. Gadsby (Author)English2
United to Jesus, the vineW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Watch, watch and be sober, ye children of GodW. Gadsby (Author)English2
We adore the Lord, the LambW. Gadsby (Author)English2
We bless the triune God—The Father and the WordW. Gadsby (Author)English2
What a divine harmonious soundW. Gadsby (Author)English2
What a precious needful thingWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
What am I, and where am I?W. G. (Author)English2
What foolish worms are we!William Gadsby (Author)English2
What joyful news the gospel isW. Gadsby (Author)English2
What! must the Christian drawW. Gadsby (Author)English2
What solemn tidings reach our earsWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
What, then! shall Christians sinW. Gadsby (Author)English2
When faith to Sinai looksW. G. (Author)English2
When foes within, and foes withoutW. Gadsby (Author)English2
When God proclaims his nameW. Gadsby (Author)English2
When Jesse's young son was honour'd of GodWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
When my dear Jesus hides his smiling faceW. G. (Author)English2
When Ruth a gleaning wentW. Gadsby (Author)English2
When saints together meetWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
When will the happy moment comeWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
Where must a sinner fly, That feels himself undoneW. Gadsby (Author)English2
While Jesus whispers peaceW. G. (Alterer)English2
Whoever in Jesus believesW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Whom the Lord Jehovah lovesW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Why should a pilgrim grope withinWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
With great and awful powerW. Gadsby (Author)English2
With sin and guilt poor Zion toilsW. Gadsby (Author)English2
With wonder and with loveWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
With wondering eyes, Lord, we admireW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Within these walls, dear LordWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
Ye famishing, naked, and poorW. Gadsby (Author)English2
Ye saints of the Lord, rejoice in your KingWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
Ye servants of the Lord, Ye messengers of graceWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2
Ye sons of God, be wiseW. Gadsby (Author)English1
Ye souls, redeem'd with bloodWilliam Gadsby (Author)English3
Ye souls redeem'd with Jesus' precious bloodWilliam Gadsby (Author)English2

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