1 Jesus, we thy name adore;
Thine the kingdom is and power;
Thou shalt reign on Zion’s hill;
We would gladly do thy will.
2 Thou hast bought our souls with blood,
And hast brought us home to God.
We would gladly thee obey,
In thy own appointed way.
3 [We through grace are dead indeed,
And from our old husband freed,
But are married to the Lord,
And would gladly do his word.]
4 Thou didst sink in floods of wrath,
Us to save from guilt and death;
And with such a scene in view,
We would thy commandments do.
5 Thou hast claimed us as thy bride;
Keep us near thy wounded side;
Dead to every lord but thee,
We would fain obedient be.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #650