1 The new man and the old
By no means can agree;
The one in sin is bold,
From sin the other’s free.
The principles of grace and sin
A constant warfare must maintain.
2 [One loves to watch and pray,
And walk in Jesus’ path;
The other hates the way,
And loves the road to death;
Christ is the new man’s boast and joy;
Flesh does the old man satisfy.]
3 Christ, and him crucified,
The new man loves to view;
Lust, vanity and pride,
The old man will pursue;
One pants with God to live and reign;
The other hates his sovereign name.
4 The principle of grace
On Jesus puts the crown;
But sin, with shameless face,
Would pull his glory down.
Jesus shall reign, the new man cries;
His right to reign the flesh denies.
5 Well, let old nature toil;
The warfare can’t be long;
And Christians, with a smile,
Shall sing the conqueror’s song;
Through Christ we shall victorious prove,
And live and reign with him above.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #617