1 Precious Jesus! here we are,
Come to witness and declare
We are thine, redeemed with blood,
Called and proved the sons of God.
2 Jesus, ere he gave his blood,
Was immersed in Jordan’s flood,
There, and in that way, to show
What he had to undergo.
3 In the watery grave we see,
Looking through it, Lord, to thee,
Jesus, overwhelmed in blood,
Sunk in wrath’s tremendous flood.
4 And shall we for whom he died,
Rose, and lives to intercede,
Be too proud to be despised,
And with him to be baptized?
5 No, dear Saviour, we will go
In the watery grave, to show
We are buried with our King,
And we rise his praise to sing.
6 Precious Spirit, make us see
Love immense, beyond degree;
Now, and when beneath the flood,
Fill us with the love of God.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #649