1 The Breaker is gone forth in love,
With power and skill divine;
Descending from the realms above,
To quell his foes and mine.
2 In love to Zion, he has broke
The powers of death and hell;
And her from Sinai’s dreadful yoke
Has broken off as well.
3 Though death, and law, and sin agree
This Breaker to arrest,
He breaks their bonds, himself sets free,
With Zion on his breast.
4 He breaks his children’s hearts in twain,
And brings proud nature down;
The hearts he breaks he heals again,
And on them puts a crown.
5 [He breaks through every darksome cloud,
And shows his lovely face;
Which makes the sinner sing aloud,
“Salvation is of grace.”]
6 [He breaks the traps and gins that lie
To catch poor pilgrims’ feet;
And, when they stumble, makes them fly
To him, their safe retreat.]
7 He’ll break the strings of nature soon,
And bid the prisoner fly
Beyond the reach of sin and gloom,
His glory to enjoy.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #553