1 Jesus is a mighty Saviour;
Helpless souls have here a Friend;
He has borne their misbehaviour,
And his mercy knows no end;
O ye helpless,
Come, and on his grace depend.
2 He, to save your souls from ruin,
Shed his blood upon the tree!
O ye needy, haste unto him;
His salvation’s full and free;
Vilest sinners
Shall his great salvation see.
3 [Whatsoe’er your age or case be,
None can save you but the Lamb;
If in prison, he can set free,
And a full release proclaim;
He is mighty,
And to save the lost he came.]
4 Yes, the very worst of sinners,
Who upon his grace rely,
Shall of endless bliss be winners;
And shall sing, beyond the sky,
Songs of praises
To the Lamb that once did die.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #593