1 Whom the Lord Jehovah loves,
He in various ways reproves;
’Tis his settled, wise decree,
That his sons chastised shall be.
2 Them to wean from self and sin,
Try the grace he works within;
Strip them of each idol god;
Make them prize the Saviour’s blood;
3 Teach them what and where they are;
Draw forth patience, faith, and prayer;
Make them closer cling to Christ,
And in him alone rejoice;
4 These are ends he has in view,
And he’ll them accomplish too;
Nor shall our poor peevish heart
Make him from his purpose start.
5 [Yet his love and grace are such,
He will ne’er afflict too much;
But, in every chastening, prove
His paternal care and love.]
6 Father, make us clearly view
What thy love designs to do;
And in every trying case,
Trust thy faithfulness and grace.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #623