1 Let saints lift up their hearts,
And, with a cheerful voice,
The wonders of their King proclaim,
And in the Lord rejoice.
2 Whatever be thy frame,
Though dark and cold as ice,
No change has taken place in him;
Then in the Lord rejoice.
3 Till God can change his mind,
And swear he has no choice,
The soul that in the Lord believes,
Shall in the Lord rejoice.
4 As sure as God is God,
And Abra’m heard his voice,
He’ll love his saints unto the end,
Then let them all rejoice.
5 Nor sin, nor death, nor hell,
Can make him hate his choice;
The cause of love is in himself;
And in him we’ll rejoice.
6 He made an end of sin,
And bought us with a price;
Our life, our hope, our all’s in him,
And we’ll in him rejoice.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #606