1 Behold a scene of matchless grace,
’Tis Jesus in the sinner’s place;
Heaven’s brightest Glory sunk in shame,
That rebels might adore his name.
2 Tremendous clouds of wrath and dread,
In vengeance burst upon his head;
Ten thousand horrors seize his soul,
And vengeful mountains on him roll.
3 He sighed; he groaned; he sweat; he cried;
Through awful floods he passed and died;
All penal wrath to Zion due,
Infinite justice on him threw.
4 He rose in triumph from the dead;
Justice declared the debt was paid;
Then Christ with kingly grandeur flew,
And took his throne in glory too.
5 Come, saints, with solemn pleasure trace
The boundless treasures of his grace;
He bore almighty wrath for you,
That you might all his glory view.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #536