1 O the love of Christ to sinners!
Who can make its wonders known?
Sin-born slaves, through grace, are winners
Of a bright celestial crown;
Jesus gives us
Endless glory and renown.
2 We, by nature, are disgraceful;
Nothing but the filth of hell;
All our righteousnesses hateful;
Who can half our baseness tell?
Satan’s captives,
And we loved his service well.
3 Jesus saw us sunk in ruin,
And, determined us to save,
Shed his blood, and brought us to him;
For our life his own he gave;
He redeemed us
From sin, Satan, and the grave.
4 Endless love he fixed upon us,
In eternity that’s past;
Nor will ever take it from us;
Endless love shall ever last;
Love redeemed us,
And will ever hold us fast.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #535