1 O my soul, with wonder tell,
Jesus has done all things well;
And, through his atoning blood,
I’ve a settled peace with God.
2 He bequeathed his peace to me,
As a gift divinely free;
And it is his righteous will,
That my soul in peace shall dwell.
3 [Love to such vile worms as I,
Brought the Saviour from the sky;
Every foe for them to quell,
Jesus conquered death and hell.]
4 [Gifts like this, so full and free,
Stand as firm as Deity;
God has sworn, nor can he lie,
It shall last eternally.]
5 Justice, mercy, truth, and love,
Every attribute of God,
Join to make this peace secure,
And it must and shall endure.
6 What a solid basis this!
Such a peace can never miss,
But produce a grateful mind,
To a God so vastly kind.
7 [Mourning souls who feel the smart
Of a guilty, treacherous heart,
And with mighty care and pain,
Struggle hard relief to gain;
8 Labour hard you may, and long,
But you’ll find your foes too strong;
Solid peace can ne’er be had,
Only through a Saviour’s blood.]
9 Jesus, mighty Prince of Peace,
Now proclaim a full release;
Set poor captive sinners free;
Give them solid peace in thee.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #594