1 The just by faith shall live,
Nor fear the powers of hell;
All blessings that a God can give,
In Christ most richly dwell.
2 By faith in Jesus’ blood,
The just shall live indeed;
Shall have a settled peace with God,
And from their sins be freed.
3 When sense and reason fail,
And all things dark appear,
By faith, the just shall say, ’Tis well,
Jehovah will appear.
4 If providence should frown,
And crosses still increase;
By faith, the just shall live and own
God their salvation is.
5 By faith in Christ, as God,
As Prophet, Priest, and King,
The just shall live, and live to prove,
That death has lost its sting.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #605