1 How blest is the man who in Jesus believes
And on him can cast all his cares;
A righteousness full and complete he receives,
That hides all his guilt, sin, and fears.
2 [No creature on earth is more happy than he,
Nor Gabriel himself is more blest;
He lives on the bounty of grace, rich and free –
A glorious, immortal repast.]
3 Whate’er be his lot, while on earth he resides,
His glory can never depart;
He’s one in the Lord, and in him he abides,
United together in heart.
4 The time is now fixèd, and soon it will come,
When Christ will his messenger send,
To fetch him from Meshech and carry him home;
And then all his sorrows will end.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #591