1 Sinners who on Jesus rest,
Must eternally be blest;
All Jehovah’s love can give,
They from Jesus shall receive.
2 Loved of God, to Jesus given,
In the purposes of heaven;
They are bought with blood divine,
And they must in glory shine.
3 They are Jesus’ flesh and bone,
Nor from him shall e’er be torn;
Can a part be sent to hell,
And the whole in Zion dwell?
4 No! we bless the Lord on high,
Not a single joint can die;
Every member lives in him;
He’s the life of every limb.
5 They are Christ’s by ties divine;
Here his brightest glories shine;
All creation must give place
To the subjects of his grace.
6 Matchless Jesus! may we be
Wholly taken up with thee!
And, in every deep distress,
Lean upon thy truth and grace.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #626