1 We adore the Lord the Lamb,
And rejoice in his dear name;
He has shed his precious blood,
To redeem our souls to God.
2 Once we lay immersed in sin;
Every part and power unclean;
Enemies to all that’s good,
We despised the Saviour’s blood.
3 But the Lord, by grace divine,
Brought us to abhor the crime;
And, to make his wonders known,
Gave us faith in Christ, his Son.
4 Thus redeemed and saved by blood,
We esteem the ways of God,
And would gladly him obey,
In his own appointed way.
5 ’Tis from love to Christ, our Head,
We his footsteps wish to tread;
And when we his unction feel,
We with pleasure do his will.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #654