Harriet E. Jones › Texts

Harriet E. Jones
Short Name: Harriet E. Jones
Full Name: Jones, Harriet E., 1823-1915
Birth Year: 1823
Death Year: 1915

Harriet E. Rice Jones, 1823-1915

Born: Ap­ril 18, 1823, Pom­pey Hol­low, Onon­da­ga Coun­ty, New York.
Died: 1915, Bing­ham­ton, New York.
Buried: Oran Com­mun­i­ty Church Cem­e­te­ry, Pom­pey, Onon­da­ga Coun­ty, New York.

Daughter of El­e­a­zer Rice, Jones lived in Onon­da­ga Coun­ty, New York. Her girl­hood was spent on a farm, re­ceiv­ing what ed­u­ca­tion the count­ry schools and one term at high school could pro­vide. She was al­ways fond of read­ing, and was a great sing­er, with a clear ring­ing voice. On Ju­ly 7, 1844, she mar­ried a son of Rev. Ze­nas Jones; her hus­band died in 1879. Her song writ­ing ca­reer b­egan when her po­e­try came to the at­ten­tion of Dr. M. J. Mun­ger, who asked if she could write some Sun­day school hymns for him. She went on to write for Daniel Town­er, J. C. Ew­ing, the Fill­more bro­thers, and others.


Texts by Harriet E. Jones (440)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A brave, loyal army of soldiersHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
A call comes ringing from the throneHarriet E. Jones (Author)3
A dear little army of childrenMrs. Harriet Jones (Author)English3
A dear, youthful army is marching alongHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
A dreadful foe is in our landHarriet E. Jones (Author)English4
A feast is preparing, the King will presideMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
A golden promise I may claimHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
A merciful Savior is Jesus my LordHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
A song is in my heart today, for all my sins are washed awayMrs. H. E. Jones (Author)English5
A sweet new song is in my soulHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
A youthful pilgrim bandHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Abide with me, O Lord, abide with meHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Although a stormy road I treadHarriet E. Jones (Author)English6
Are we keeping close to JesusHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Are we walking in the light? Are we serving one another?Mrs. Harriet Jones (Author)English2
Are you in byways of sorrow and sinHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Are you on the road to ZionHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Are you out in sin, and the foe's your heart within?Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Are you toiling day by dayMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Are you toiling for the Master, are you busy every day?Mrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Are you weary, sister, brotherMrs. Harriet Jones (Author)English2
Are your robes all stained with sin?Mrs. Harriet Jones (Author)English3
As pants the hart for watersH. Jones (Author)2
As the days are going by, do you raise God's banner highHarriet E. Jones (Author)English5
At the foot of the cross where I foundHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
At the sounding of the trumpet That shall summon one and allMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Auf, auf! ihr Kämpfer in den Krieg!H. E. Jones (Author)German2
Be on thy guard, O soul of mineHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Behold, a stranger, wondrous fairHarriet Jones (Author)English3
Bless the Lord, O my soul, I will ever rejoiceMrs. Harriet Jones (Author)English2
Blessed Lord and dear Redeemer I am longing to be wholeMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Blessed Redeemer, O come very nearHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Bright little soldiers are needed todayHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
Bring the little lambs to JesusMrs. Harriet Jones (Author)English2
By and by, our Lord is comingHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
By and by, we shall meet on the bright, golden shoreHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Can I forget the sacred spotHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Can I forget when from the throneHarriet E. Jones (Author)English4
Can you sing a sweet new songHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
Christ as Judge is coming by and byHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
Christ died for me, O precious thoughtHarriet E. Jones (Author)English5
Christ is now ready to cleanse you from sinHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Come, Holy Spirit, Thee I am needingHarriet E. Jones (Author)English7
Come into our school so dearHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Come Spirit come, with light divineHarriet E. Jones (Author)English5
Come to the fountain of mercy, Come with thy sin and thy woeMrs. H. E. Jones (Author)English5
Come unto me, come unto me, I am the light of the worldHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Come weary one by sin oppressed, Christ is waiting to save youHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Cruel thorns are in my pathwayHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Day by day the Lord to you is sayingHarriet E. Jones (Author)English4
Dear little lambs that are straying outsideHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Dear Lord, to Thee I comeH. Jones (Author)English4
Death shall come to claim us allHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Do the clouds oft veil your skyHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Do you hear the glad refrainHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Does the Lord own me His today?Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Don't let your sickle get rustyMrs. H. E. Jones (Author)English3
Down at the cross where the Savior died, Low at the foot of the CrucifiedHarriet E. Jones (Author)English4
Draw me near Thee, loving SaviorHarriet E. Jones (Author)English12
Du seiler mod et grusomt strømfald, broderHarriet E. Jones (Author)Norwegian2
Eilt froh herbei von Nah und FernH. E. J. (Author)German2
Enlisted for Christ and His kingdomMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Eternity, how long, how longHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
Every day anointings, This my earnest pleaHarriet E. Jones (Author)English6
Faint not, weary pilgrim, though sad and distressedHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
For me, O yes, for even meHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
For the sunshine and the rainHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
Friend of sinners, take, O take meHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
From their bed the grasses springHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
Gather them in, the tender lambsHarriet Jones (Author)English2
Give unto us, dear SaviorMrs. Harriet Jones (Author)English2
Glory to Jesus, His word is trueHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Go and gather in the childrenHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
Go spread the news abroadHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
God be with us through the days to comeHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Golden promise from the FatherHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Hail to the risen SaviorHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
Have you been to Jesus with your every sinHarriet E. Jones (Author)4
Have you heard about the fountainMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English3
Have you sins o'er which you're grievingHarriet E. Jones (Author)4
He brought me up from the miry clayHarriet E. Jones (Author)English7
He, the dear Savior, doth His word fulfilMrs. Harriet Jones (Author)English2
He who dwelt among the lowlyMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English5
Hear the merry Christmas bellsHarriet E. Jones (Author)English4
Hearts are never, never achingHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Herald the story of saving graceHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
Hide me, O my blessed SaviorHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Hold fast, dear friend, that which thou hastHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
How I love to cling to JesusHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
How the bright angels sing since the Christ cameHarriet E. Jones (Author)3
How the hand of love can lightenHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
I am dwelling in the sunshine with my blessed Lord and SaviorHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
I am dwelling with my Savior on the heights of Beulah landHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
I am happy in the Lord, I am trusting in His wordMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English3
I am on the Lord's side, I have been redeemedHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
I am pleading, blessed JesusHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
I am so glad that Jesus livesHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
I am so glad that salvation is freeHarriet E. Jones (Author)English7
I am the Lord's and He is mine, Praise, O praise His nameHarriet E. Jones (Author)English7
I am thinking just now of that wonderful climeHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
I am trusting in the Lord, HallelujahHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
I am trusting in the Savior, Who for me the wine press trodHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
I am walking with my Savior (Jones)Harriet E. Jones (Author)2
I come to thee, O gracious OneHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
I had rather be found in the highway of GodHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
I have a friend, a faithfulHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my courseHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
I have found the waters sweetHarriet E. Jones (Author)English5
I have had a taste of the joys aboveHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
I have plunged beneath the flood, I have felt the love divineMrs. Harriet Jones (Author)English4
I know my Savior loves meHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
I know that my Redeemer lives, who doth the heart renewHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
I learned a song with sweet refrainHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
I like to think that Jesus, Was once a little childHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
I love to think of heaven, The home where Jesus isHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
I love to think of the music grandHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
I love to think of the ransomed throngHarriet E. Jones (Author)English4
I need Thee, Lord, from day to day, As I pursue the rugged wayMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English3
I sought the blessed RedeemerHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
I thirst for Thee, the living GodHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
I want to do something for Jesus my SaviorHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
I want to live in gloryHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
I want to live just as He wants me to liveHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
I want to work in the gospel fieldHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
I will bear my cross and will suffer lossMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
I will never be afraid when foes of God assailHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
I will sing and tell the story, what the Lord has done for meHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
I will trust in the Lord my GodHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
I would be a sunbeam in the halls of homeHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
If our Lord should come tonightHarriet E. Jones (Author)English9
I'll do as precious Jesus bidsHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
I'll live for my Lord and redeemerHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
I'll speak a word for Jesus, Wherever I may beHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
I'm a pilgrim going homeHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
I'm going home to Jesus, I'm near the river's sideHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
I'm in the grand army of Jesus my KingHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
I'm thinking just now of a beautiful restHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
I'm thinking of Jesus, of glory, and restMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
In den Wohnungen dort obenHarriet E. Jones (Author)German3
In that wondrous home divineHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
In the army of the Lord, We are marching onMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English3
In the garden prostrate lyingMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English3
In the home beyond the tideHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
In the home of bliss, where the Savior isHarriet E. Jones (Author)7
In the home of song and beautyHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
In the land of endless sheenHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
In the shadow of His wings I am resting sweetlyHarriet E. Jones (Author)English5
In the shadow of thy wings O dear RedeemerMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English5
In the shelter of the rock, I am restingHarriet E. Jones (Author)English5
In the shining home of Jesus we may dwellHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
In the slough of despond I resolved not to stayHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
In yonder home my mansion standsHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Is thy heart oppressed with pain?Harriet Jones (Author)English3
Is your heart all stained with sin?Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
I've enlisted in the army of the Lord, I have promised to be foremost in the frayHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
I've seen the light from heaven's throneHarriet E. Jones (Author)3
Jesus came to bring salvation to a ruined raceHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
Jesus is tenderly calling for thee, Waiting and longing thy comfort to beMrs. Harriet Jones (Author)English6
Jesus, keep within Thy foldHarriet Jones (Author)English2
Jesus loves the children, He has told us soHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Jesus uns zu retten kamHarriet E. Jones (Author)German1
Just as He wills, so let it beHarriet E. Jones (Author)English9
Just over beyond, in the city of gold, Where never an ill can betideMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English4
Let the Easter praise ariseHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
Let the little children bring Floral tributesHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
Let us arise to do and dareHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Let us do the work before usHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Let us work for Jesus While below we stayMrs. Harriett Jones (Author)English2
Let us work in cheerful wayMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English4
Lift me higher, blessed Jesus, that for Thee I firmly standHarriet E. Jones (Author)English4
Lights for our Jesus, our motto shall beHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
Little hands, little hands, Working out our Lord's commandsHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Little sowers blest indeedMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English6
Little tongues can utter praiseHarriet E. Jones (Author)English6
Lo! an army, grand, is marchingHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Lo, the many fields are whiteHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Lo! ‘tis free, this great salvationHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Lonely pilgrim, art thou wearyMrs. Harriet Jones (Author)English2
Love's redeeming work is done, On the cross of shame 'twas doneHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Loving Savior, lead meHarriet Jones (Author)English2
Loving Savior, lead Thou meHarriet E. Jones (Author)English25
Make it known among the people on which side you standHarriet E. Jones (Author)English4
Mark well the words so wisely saidHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
‘Mid the cold, barren waysHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Move forward, soldiers of the crossHarriet E. Jones (Author)English10
My brother, the Master is calling for theeHarriet E. Jones (Author)English5
My feet were in the miry clayHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
My own darling boy, I so tenderly lovedHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
My peace is like a riverHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
My Redeemer safely leads meHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
My Savior had not where to layHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
Never a love like the love of the LordHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
No more parting, no more sorrowHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Nobody knows like Jesus, who seeth my every sinHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
Not a cloud to hide our skyHarriet E. Jones (Author)English6
Not now but when 'tis God's sweet willHarriet E. Jones (Author)English5
Nothing to bring, O Savior KingHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
Now is the time to laborMrs. H. E. Jones (Author)English2
Now let us sing the song againMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English4
Now we gladly gather inHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
O be faithful, Christian soldiers, in a very little whileHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
O beautiful banner for mortals unfurledHarriet E. Jones (Author)English4
O beautiful home of the wearyHarriet E. Jones (Author)English4
O beautiful robes of whitenessHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
O beautiful Zion, the home of the blestHarriet E. Jones (Author)English7
O book of books, O precious wordHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
O, Calvary, O Calvary, my Savior suffered there for meHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
O can it be, O can it beHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
O come to the fold of the ShepherdHarriet E. Jones (Author)English5
O, das Heimatland da drobenHarriet E. Jones (Author)German2
O, dear to the heart of the ShepherdHarriet E. Jones (Author)1
O ever sweet and holy nameHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
O, fathomless fountain of mercyHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
O for a thousand tongues to sing My dear Redeemer's praiseMrs. H. E. J. (Author (Chorus))English1
O glorious homeland just over the lineHarriet E. Jones (Author)English15
O herrliche Botschaft, "Es ist vollbracht"Harriet E. Jones (Author)German3
O home sweet home so free from careHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
O how sweet the loving deedMrs. H. E. Jones (Author)English4
O I am so glad that salvation is freeHarriet E. Jones (Author)English5
O, I am so happy in Jesus, My soul is overflowing with loveHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
O Lamb of God for sinners slain, I come, I come to TheeHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
O land of the purified, home of the blestMrs. Harriet Jones (Author)English2
O life giving water that floweth so freeMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English3
O Lord of lords, O King of kingsMrs. H. E. Jones (Author)English2
O praise the Lord, I've been redeemedHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
O precious, precious JesusMrs. Harriet Jones (Author)English4
O promise sweet for every oneHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
O shall I help to swell the songMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
O shun the road, so broad and coldHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
O sing the sweet story againMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
O sinner, come to Christ today, no longer stand without the gateHattie E. Jones (Author)English2
O soul, by many woes oppressedHarriet E. Jones (Author)3
O sweet is the service of JesusHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
O that song, when safe at homeHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
O the homeland over yonder, where abide the blood washed throngHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
O the matchless love and mercyHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
O the wondrous love of Jesus, Whom they scourged and crucifiedHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
O 'tis summer all the timeHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
O 'tis sweet to talk of JesusMrs. Harriet Jones (Author)English2
O to be nearer to JesusHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
O, voices of angels just over the tide!Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
O wanderer come to JesusHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
O what a meeting that will be, In that sweet time to comeH. Jones (Author)English7
O wie köstlich die VerheißungHarriet E. Jones (Author)German2
O wonderful, wonderful story Believers so love to repeatMrs. Harriet Jones (Author)English3
O wondrous love, the Savior diedHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
O wondrous sea of GalileeHarriet E. Jones (Author)English4
O beautiful home of the soul!Mrs. Harriet Jones (Author)English2
O bless His name! The Savior cameMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English4
O glad whosoever, the deed is doneMrs. Harriet Jones (Author)English31
O roll the glad chorus of praise alongMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
O the meetings, O the greetingsMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English5
O the music over yonderMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English3
O who are these so near the throneMrs. Harriet Jones (Author)English5
On Calvary's mountain he bought meHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
On, on, to the rescue, ye servants of GodHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
Only ask, the truth believeHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Onward, brothers, shout the watchwordHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Onward, Christian! wrecks are tossingH. E. Jones (Author)English2
Onward God's army is marchingHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Our blessed Lord is just the sameHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Our Lord commands, and we obeyHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Our master to obeyHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Our Savior leads His saved, His ownHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Out on sin's ocean the careless are driftingHarriet E. Jones (Author)English4
Over where the ransomed gatherMrs. Harriet Jones (Author)English3
Passing through the fiery furnaceHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Patiently we toil alongHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
Plant blossoms, rare blossoms your pathway alongMrs. H. E. Jones (Author)English3
Praise, O praise the King of heaven! Soul of mine, an anthem raiseHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Precious Christ, in whom I trustHarriet E. Jones (Author)English5
Precious Jesus saves from sinHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
Precious promise from my SaviorH. E. Jones (Author)English2
Press onward, Christian soldier, press onward to the prizeHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Return, poor wanderer, returnMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Ring out, glad bells, over hills and dellsMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Ring out, ring outHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
Ring out the tidings in notes loud and clearHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
Ring, ring the bells over mountain and plainHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Ring, ring the bells, the joyful bellsHarriet E. Jones (Author)English1
Se esta noite vier JesusHarriet E. Jones (Author)Portuguese2
See the band of little childrenMrs. Harriet Jones (Author)English2
See the beacon brightly burningHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
See yonder vessel, the storm rages highHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Seht, der Kleinen frohe ScharHarriet E. Jones (Author)German2
Shall I tell you why I sing a joyful lay?Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Show me, O Lord, Thy gloryMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Since my soul is redeemed, since I walk in the lightHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Sind wie Scharlach deine SündenHarriet E. Jones (Author)German1
Sing, O sing the dear old storyMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English7
Sing the Christian's marching song, and sing it with a willHarriet E. Jones (Author)English10
Sing the joyful news againHarriet E. Jones (Author)English5
Sing the song of free salvationMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Soldiers of Jesus, arise in your mightHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Some sweet morning, noon or eveningHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Sometime the night of sorrow will be overHarriet E. Jones (Author)English4
Sometime we'll cross the rolling tideHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Sometime we'll reach the summer landHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Sons and daughters hearts unitedHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Souls that are precious are out in the coldHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Speed away, speed away on your mission of loveHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
Spread the tidings all abroad, Jesus lives, Jesus livesMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English6
Step out on the promise, O sinnerHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Still out of Christ, O fearful thoughtHarriet E. Jones (Author)English7
Sweet is the fount of mercyMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Sweet songs are heard in woodland bowersHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Sweet the task to work for JesusH. Jones (Author)2
The angels watch till early morning Mrs. Harriet Jones (Author)English3
The army of Jesus is marching alongMrs. H. E. Jones (Author)English2
The beautiful streams in that wonderful landHarriet Jones (Author)English2
The beautiful waters are movingHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
The dear little children are gathered todayMrs. Harriet Jones (Author)English2
The dear Redeemer came to winHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
The fields are white with the ripened grainHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
The fountain of healing is openHarriet E. Jones (Author)English4
The glory of conquest! be valiant, my brothersHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
The King bids you come and partake of the feastHarriet Jones (Author)English10
The King in his beauty upon the white throneHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
The King's highway is a pleasant roadHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
The little ones, tho' very youngHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
The little soldiers of our KingHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
The Lord is my Shepherd, then why should I fearMrs. H. E. Jones (Author)English2
The one who suffered on the treeHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
The righteous Father knoweth bestHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
The Savior died to set me freeHarriet E. Jones (Author)4
There are breaking hearts todayHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
There are dangers drear on the sea of lifeHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
There are friends, kind friends, that to me are dearHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
There are songs, sweet songs, that I love to hearHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
There is a beautiful home beyond the silent seaHarriet E. Jones (Author)English7
There is a beautiful path In which the young may treadHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
There is a blessed goalHarriet Jones (Author)English2
There is a Friend whose name is LoveHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
There is a Star, a Beacon LightHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
There is glory in my soul Since the Savior made me wholeHarriet E. Jones (Author)English14
There is sweet contentment in my soul todayHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
There sat by the wayside, one dayHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
There stands a rock amid the wavesHarriet E. Jones (Author)English7
There's a beautiful home for the children of God (Jones)Harriet E. Jones (Author)English3
There's a beautiful light shining over the seaHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
There's a beautiful region just now in my viewHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
There's a glittering star overheadHarriet E. Jones (Author)7
There's a home beyond the JordanHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
There's a star in the east, There are songs in the airHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
There's a star overhead, there's a babe in the stallHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
There's a Stranger close beside youHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
There's an old fashioned storyMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English5
There's joy in the thought of a raiment of whiteHarriet E. Jones (Author)English4
There are days of toil for His servants trueHarriet E. Jones (Author)English4
Though often our feet may be bleedingHarriet E. Jones (Author)English6
Though your sins be red like crimsonHarriet E. Jones (Author)English5
Three hours the earth is filled with gloomHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
Through the precious, precious bloodHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Throw to the breeze the bannerHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Thy lead, O Lord, I know is bestHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
'Tis sweet to dwell in love divineHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
'Tis sweet to know that Christ receivesHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
'Tis sweet to know that Jesus cameHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
To save the world the Savior came, Glory, HallelujahHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
To sit upon the left or rightHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
To that sweet home for which I longHarriet E. Jones (Author)3
To thee we render thanks and praiseHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Toiler, have you weary grown?Harriet E. Jones (Author)English4
Trusting in the words of JesusHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Unto our God let notes of praiseHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Unto Thee I fly, O Savior!Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Upon the cross the Savior died, Upon the cross was crucifiedHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Vile and sinful, though thou artHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Way down upon the paths forbiddenHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
We are children of a King, wondrous KingHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
We are coming, we are coming, From the east and from the westHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
We are happy pilgrims, full of joy and songHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
We are junior workers strongHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
We are little blossoms in our Father's gardenHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
We are little Christian servants of the Master trueMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
We are little soldiers trueHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
We are marching hand in handMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
We are marching lightHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
We are marching right alongHarriet E. Jones (Author)3
We are soldiers in the army of the mighty King of kings (Jones)Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
We are willing workers in the open fieldHarriet E. Jones (Author)English9
We are youthful students, learning from the BibleHarriet E. Jones (Author)English10
We can give a cup of waterHarriet E. Jones (Author)English4
We come, we come, this festive dayHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
We come, we come, this hallowed dayHarriet E. Jones (Author)5
We come with songs of gladness to praise our God and KingMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English1
We have a Rock a safe retreatMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English13
We love the Holy Bible, its pages love to scanHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
We may brighten paths of woeHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
We may plant some blossoms fairHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
We must wait, we must work, we must watch, we must prayHarriet E. Jones (Author)English4
We shall conquer in the battle for the rightHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
We shall cross the rolling tide some sweet day, yes, some sweet dayHarriet E. Jones (Author)English8
We shall gain the shining landHarriet E. Jones (Author)English4
We shall meet the King of heavenHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
We shall reach our home some dayMrs. Harriet Jones (Author)English10
We shall reach the golden gateHarriet E. Rice Jones (Author)English3
We will bear each other's burdens and for one another prayHarriet E. Jones (Author)English6
We will love the children's Friend, yes, we willMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English4
We'll meet again on Eden's plainsMrs. H. E. Jones (Author)English3
We're a little Christian band (Jones)Harriet E. Jones (Author)3
We're a little sunshine bandHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
We're going to hang a tyrantHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
We're marching to conquerHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
We're on our way to glory landMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English4
We're sailing in salvation's arkHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
We're under the banner of JesusHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
What can sweetly fill my soulHarriet E. Jones (Author)English6
What rejoicing there will be, when beyond the silent seaHarriet E. Jones (Author)3
When dreary shadows veil my skiesHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
When I would count my blessingsHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
When Jesus comes in His gloryHarriet Jones (Author)English2
When the burdened heart relentsHarriet E. Jones (Author)English4
When the call from the skies bids the blood washed ariseHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
When the pearly gates unfold, over there, over thereMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
When the saints march in for the crowningHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
When the shadows round me gatherHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
When the sinner turns from sinH. E. Jones (Author)English8
When the toiling time is endedHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
When the toiling time is over here belowMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
When the working time is overHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
When we reach the fields of EdenHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
While on our earthly journeyHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
While sailing over the waters wideHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
Who will forth to lead the childrenHarriet E. Jones (Author)2
Who'll be leading, gently leadingMrs. H. E. Jones (Author)English2
Will you come to the feast? Will you sup with the Lord?Harriet E. Jones (Author)English8
With joy we come and gladly singHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Within thy courts, O Lord, We meet this sacred dayHarriet E. Jones (Author)English3
Witness for Jesus, His name confessMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Would you bear the welcome plauditMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Would you claim the sweet promise of JesusMrs. H. Jones (Author)English3
Would you go rejoicing onHarriet E. Jones (Author)English6
Would you labor for the Master, Doing good along the way?Mrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Would you live for evermoreHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Ye men of God, to arms, to arms!Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Ye saints of God, rejoice and singHarriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Ye servants of Jesus, awake from your sleepMrs. Harriet E. Jones (Author)English2
Ye slumbering Christians, arouse ye, awakeHarriet E. Jones, 1823-1915 (Author)English4
You're sailing toward the fearful rapids, brotherHarriet E. Jones (Author)English9
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