1 Press onward, Christian soldier, press onward to the prize!
Tho’ shadows deep may gather, and dismal clouds arise;
Sometime the rays of sunlight will pierce the deepest gloom,
And round thy rugged pathway
The flow’rs of peace shall bloom.
Press onward, onward,
The prize lies just beyond!
Press onward, onward,
Soon shall thy crown be won!
Press onward, onward!
Fear not, tho’ foes be strong;
Rejoice! for yours in glory
Shall be the victor’s song.
2 Press onward, Christian soldier, the Master knoweth best!
Thy way He hath appointed, and He will give thee rest;
His face must be reflected, His fire all dross consume,
Then, in His arms protected,
The flow’rs of peace shall bloom. [Refrain]
3 Press onward, Christian soldier, and guard thine armor strong!
The walls of sin are trembling, the fight will not be long;
The hosts of sin and darkness are marching to their doom,
Then in thy heart forever
The flow’rs of peace shall bloom. [Refrain]
Source: Sacred Praise: for Use in Gospel Meetings, Evangelistic Services ... #86
First Line: | Press onward, Christian soldier, press onward to the prize |
Title: | The Victor's Song |
Author: | Maggie A. Pulver |
Language: | English |
Refrain First Line: | Press onward, onward, be foremost in the fight |
Copyright: | Public Domain |