1 The beautiful waters are moving,
For sin and uncleanness they roll;
For you and for me, the healing is free,
O let us step into the pool!
O let us step into the pool,
This moment step into the pool!
The waters are troubled, for healing they roll,
O let us step into the pool!
2 An angel has troubled the waters,
There’s cleansing within for the soul;
Come friends and step in, be freed from all sin,
O let us step into the pool! [Refrain]
3 Just now, while the waters are troubled,
O come and find health for the soul!
The dear, blind and lame with lepers the same
May bathe and be cured in this pool. [Refrain]
4 O beautiful, beautiful waters,
Where all who will bathe may be whole!
O who would not come, find health, wealth and home,
Within the bright depths of this pool? [Refrain]
Source: Crowning Day No. 5 #40