1 Are you on the road to Zion
In the land of Judah’s Lion?
Are you drinking from the waters
Found within the narrow way?
Are you sweet, new lessons learning?
Have you lamps well filled and burning?
Will you be the guests most welcome
At his banquet some glad day?
Have you never been to Jesus
For the golden gifts so precious?
Then, my brother, come this moment—
Kneel before the mercy-throne;
Ask at once and be forgiven—
Get your name enrolled in heaven,
You must surely be converted
If you’d stand among his own.
2 Have you on the robes of whiteness?
Do you wear the shield of brightness?
Are your feet in gospel sandals,
While the Spirit’s sword you wield?
Through the gospel invitation
Is the helmet of salvation
Your bright crown, while in the battle
Never to the foe to yield? [Refrain]
3 In the resurrection morning,
Will white robes be your adorning?
Will you stand among the ransomed
On the everlasting sands?
In the home devoid of sadness
Will you meet our Lord with gladness,
With his name upon your foreheads,
And bright palms within your hands? [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Love and Praise No. 4 #116