1 Enlisted for Christ and his kingdom
We fearlessly march on to-day.
And with his dear banner above us
We'll conquer the foes in the way.
We've set up, we've set up our banner
In the name of the God above;
We're marching, we're marching to battle
For him and the kingdom we love.
2 We're marching to gather the trophies,
To shine in the kingdom of joy;
We'll break all the chains of the captives,
The strongholds we'll take and destroy. [Chorus]
3 We trust not in chariots and horses,
But God is our strength and our song,
And while his dear name we remember,
Our hosts shall grow mighty and strong. [Chorus]
4 We've set up our banners to conquer,
For God is our helper and shield.
And unto the hosts of Jehovah
The foes of his kingdom must yield. [Chorus]
Source: Junior Songs: a collection of sacred hymns and songs; for use in meetings of junior societies, Sunday Schools, etc. #103