1 What can sweetly fill my soul?
Nothing but the living water;
What can all my thirst control?
Nothing but the living water.
O fountain full and free,
All, all, may drink of thee;
No other fount for me,
Nothing but the living water.
2 Clear as crystal from the throne,
Nothing but the living water;
Sweetly filling all his own,
Nothing but the living water. [Chorus]
3 Nothing can so satisfy,
Nothing but the living water;
Only fountain, never dry,
Nothing but the living water. [Chorus]
4 Pure and brimming to the brink,
Nothing but the living water;
Whosoever will, may drink,
Nothing but the living water. [Chorus]
5 Come, my brother, and partake,
Nothing but the living water;
Drink, O drink, for Jesus' sake,
Nothing but the living water. [Chorus]
6 Fountain open now for thee,
Nothing but the living water;
Come, O come, and drink with me,
Nothing but the living water. [Chorus]
Source: Songs of Free Grace #25